Is it normal to be scared to change my view on evolution in science?

I have been studying a lot on evolution, but my strict Christian family has brainwashed me to not even look into it. I have to hide books from them. I did it anyway and found this site that said something that made sense to me and has startled me for a few weeks now.

I 'ran away' from it because I didn't want to believe it and it conflicted with my home raised views, but I can't just turn away.

I am just wondering if it's normal that I am scared to change my view of evolution since after reading that page on evolution in "The Present" that does actually make sense?

The book is called "The Present" (You can Google "Truth Contest" to reference it) and it really shook me up.

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Comments ( 38 )
  • Evolution and Creationism don't have to be exclusive.

    When I read Genesis, I see the metaphor of evolution.

    We rose from the soil of Earth through changes among primordial chemicals, which later formed simple organisms, creating dna that could adapt to our constantly changing environment...forcing life to become more complex with time. What's a "day" to God? Within the perspective of eternity, is it a billion years? Before the creation of the solar system, there were no such things as "days."

    God breathed life into us and we became aware of birth to music and art, and the ability to communicate through abstract thought...

    ...but most of all, we love; which by the Book's literal interpretation, defines God...who created us in His image.

    That's what I see when I read Genesis...but that's me.

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  • crion

    You don't need peer review and multi billion dollar labs to observe evolution. Buy a loaf of nice, fresh bread. Make a sandwich, or maybe some toast. When you're down to the last slice, soak it in water and leave it somewhere to get all nasty for a fed days. Fish it out, scrape the horror into a little dish, and stare at it under a microscope for a fed hours. You'll see it start to change. It's not as fun as staring at fractals or getting laid, but it's better than reality TV shows.

    You'll find that most paranoid aversions to science are a product of knee-jerk reactions by self-described "authorities" who don't really care about good and evil, right and wrong, or fact and fiction; merely about making sure whatever the people believe, they all believe the same.

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    • Leviathanel

      i don't have a microscope... shame. i'd rather poke myself in the balls for an hour with a rusty nail then watch another damn reality show... oh zeus almighty a disgrace to our culture.

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      • Leviathanel

        specially another reality show featuring rednecks/hillbillies or children singing oh the horror.

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    • cathyt112

      Excellent points, Crion! Very well said.

      I'm curious as to what you think about The Truth Contest. Have you read (at least the 1st 3 pages of) "The Present?" It talks about evolution and other interesting things that we can check in regards to the truth of how life works for everyone. I'll be curious to know your thoughts on this and anyone else who hasn't looked at it.

      Here's the book:

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Reminded me of "The Secret".

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  • Evolution is very obviously correct.
    I do think its possible however that humans were made by aliens splicing their dna with apes.
    Anyone who thinks the earth is 6000 years old is not very smart and does not have much ability to think for themselves.
    Whether or not there is a God the Earth is still not 6000 years old and we did not pop out of nowhere with everything made the way it is now. It took billions, if not more, years to get where we are.
    All religious texts are not literal and have been changed several times throughout the years just like the phone game in kindergarten.

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    • Leviathanel

      dumbass. we can see in our DNA that both humans and apes share a common ancestor that was not human or an ape and somewhere down the line that family type evolved into two different famlies, apes and humans.

      there used to be more than one kind of human, pehaps more undiscovered ones the nieandrathal is an example of a kind of human that is not a homo-sepien.

      so yeah, we don't really have "ape" DNA in us at all because apes have started to evolve differently than us for awhile now sometime long ago.

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  • Short4Words

    Well it's different for me. I've read up all sorts of stuff on different cultures beliefs, some cults and other things, I learned my fair share you could say, everyone tells me I'm wrong, looking at the history of religion yet I can't abandon my faith because Jesus was the name I called for in my time of need and there he was for me. I had never been in such awe, the things I felt, the love I felt for other people I NEVER felt before. He made me whole again. That's what I see in the Bible, redemption, love, forgiveness, all the things this world desperately needs. Everything I've ever encountered with God has paralleled with what I've read in new testament long after I stopped reading. If I can go from barely being able to love myself or my family, to being able to love a perfect stranger, then this is not something I plan to ever leave.

    That being said. I don't know where you stand. If you have never experienced God in your life but have just had the Bible shoved in your face, of course you won't have a relationship with him, it's no wonder you are where you are. it's up to you, but I would give him one more chance before you make this decision.

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    • cathyt112

      I understand what you mean Short4Words.Good to hear your story.

      After reading "The Present with Religion", which interprets The Bible in an updated way to make sense to our time, I now understand and know what Jesus was really talking about. And how it does relate to even things science talked about.

      I do see the magic in the truth to what The Bible is saying, thanks to that interpretation, but I'm just torn with family and friends conditioning me to believe only one certain way. So, I'm trying to figure out how to 'reformat' my brain.

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  • Short4Words

    I've looked into it. Its not a widely accepted theory on evolution. I'm Christian and I think evolution is a pretty reasonable take on it, not that I believe it 100% myself but the thing you're talking about it is spiritual and new-agey and at this point I bet I could come by and send you something else equally as deceptive but completely different and then you'd believe that instead.

    Personally if you have any belief left in God I would give him the opportunity to show you otherwise and to have faith in him. And don't do it for your family, do it for yourself.

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    • cathyt112

      Thank you for replying. I understand what you are saying.

      It does seem new-agey from reading more into the book, but I completed reading the whole book and the big difference between it and the new age stuff is that it talks about how we have no control over reality/our lives/our circumstances. That it's all balanced for everyone to make life fair. That the 'you can do anything' belief is BS. New age stuff definitely does not 'preach' that.

      Also, what is interesting is that it talks about how all rituals are BS and just coping mechanisms. New Age stuff is heavy in that stuff.

      So it seems like there are some New Age concepts in there that it has taken as the truth that you can check for yourself, while debunking the BS stuff in New Age.

      The biggest problem is late last night I finished reading the second book (after I completely read the first one) called "The Present with Religion," and it re-interprets the Bible, especially what Jesus was saying. And it blew me away.

      Honestly, The Bible NEVER made any sense to me when I was a kid and young adult. I just went off of blind faith and what my family told me to believe, but I didn't really believe it. And it showed because the evidence is that I was so afraid to die.

      But "The Present with Religion" actually made sense out of The Bible. What shocked me is that it didn't change anything in it, it just weeded through it to explain how creationism and evolution happened.

      It resonates with me so much, but my mind is scared and stuck in what I've been conditioned since childhood to believe. So, that's where my agony stands.

      What should I do?

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      • noid

        Ask Jesus to guide you.

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        • cathyt112

          I've been told that a lot my whole life.

          I'm gonna be REAL honest here at hopes of reaching the truth and nothing but it. As Jesus did say he is the "truth and life."

          I've prayed a lot since I was a child and believed with all my heart and it seems to all be a coping mechanism that we somehow have control over life.

          Prayer does NOT work and it's very egotistical to think that it would.


          If we did, everybody would be fulfilled and be where they wanted to.

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  • richardbturgid

    There is info about this ALL over the internet and in many peer reviewed sources.

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  • richardbturgid

    Evolution is a FARCE! Look up the evidences for the fact the theory of evolution is fake :)

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    • Leviathanel

      all evidence points towards evolution as a fact. that's why it's a theory and not a hypothesis. if there was one piece of evidence that truly disproved the theory of evolution it would have a complete reform because scientists are supposed to be unbiased. they want to know the truth not tell funky stories.

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  • Terence_the_viking


    Evolution peoples I aced it :)

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    • Leviathanel

      you are now proclaimed a pokey master.

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  • Erik963

    Tell your cultist family that god is fake as their brain and that you can read what ever the fuck you want. If they light candles every night and praise by holding their hands... Ok, but that doesn't give them the right to turn you into a sick lunatic sack of flesh like themselves. Nothing in offense.

    This is why I hate religion so much, it turns people into bunch of simple minded cunts.

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    • But you aren't religious?

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      • Erik963

        I believe in fate bitch.

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        • It isn't real or fake, It's actually nothing. What happens isn't predestined because it happens as a reaction to the actions of the moment. But because there can be only one course taken, people can interpret that non decided action as a decided one and vice versa.

          It cancels itself out, it's a big nothing.


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          • Leviathanel

            if existence is nothing but a bunch of reactions then it would of been pre-destined by the first reaction. you throw a ball at a wall at a certain agle at a certain velocity you can always pinpoint it's exact location with physics.

            you see reactions are compelled to do something, therefor there really is no "free will" if god exists in an existance of only reactions.

            if existance imploded and exploded in one tiny way different skip the same amount of time as it's taken to get to this moment and you'd find yourself somewhere alien.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I really cannot believe there are rational, intelligent people on this planet that can believe in creation. It has been proven beyond a doubt by science that the world has existed far longer than creation allows for.
    It is a fact, I repeat; it is a fact that we are descended from the apes; their DNA is only a few points different from our own.
    The crap you were fed growing up is all lies. Few if any religious people on this planet are anything more than total hypocrites; spouting one thing in church and then doing exactly as they damn well please once they are out the door.
    I am so glad you are beginning to doubt the teachings that have crippled your mind growing up and I wish you well, waking up to the reality that we were not made in god's image or any other; we are a genetic mutation.

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    • Ok...except...we didn't descend from the apes, we share a common ancestor with them. If you're going to chastise people, at least quote the facts correctly.

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    • cathyt112

      I totally understand and agree with most your points. Spot on.

      You should check out "The Present" on Truth Contest. It attempts to explain more about the truth of life, including evolution.

      I think this may resonate with you (it's a free, short, and easy to read book). Take a look at least at the 1st 3 pages.

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      • Leviathanel

        are you the author or something?

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      • I think you actually meant to reply to my post, instead of his.

        That is an interesting read...thanks. really kind of touches on what I was saying.

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  • StarTeddy

    I think it's normal to be afraid of changing something that you have always believed in. But you need to find what's true for you and not what someone else has forced onto you. And even if you wanted to go back, could you even do so now that you have found something that makes so much more sense?

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  • Short4Words

    I'm confused about the whole reformatting thing. I just accept certain things, I believe all religions or most, have some hand in truth, but ultimately don't add up. But I choose to accept what has been revealed as truth. Like whenever I feel something like lust, and not love, I can literally feel it in my stomach first exactly where the sex chakra is located, go figure. This before I even knew where it was too. I didn't need to change my faith because someone else had something truthful to say, but I know where my root beliefs and if anyone or anything tries to flip them, or interpret them in a way that hasn't been taught to me in spirit and life already, they can't forget it. I hope you find true peace.

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    • Leviathanel


      if you're saying that the tingley feeling in your dick is evidence that your personal made-up beliefs make sense then this is probably the dumbest thing i've heard all day.

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      • Short4Words

        I didn't say it was in my dick. Don't put words in my mouth. And why can't that be tested or examined by myself. I said when I feel lust towards someone, or an image, I get the same feeling in the same area, exactly where that chakra type is said to be located. I don't see that as a coincidence. At some point or another you have to stop doubting EVERYTHING and start making sense of things. If people say A (sexual desire) makes B (warmth in stomach) happen hundreds of years ago and then without my knowledge of it, A makes B happen for me too 100 years later. Then I have to assume that they might've had a point no?

        I won't make assumptions about you, but if you can accept science than you should also accept that in some way religion is a study on the spirit.

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        • Leviathanel

          I think that if a spirit were to exist then in the far future it will be discovered by science.

          the whole dick comment was just an insult you probably should of ignored it. it just emphasizes on how silly the thought of a chakara point is.

          new age. new-age. newage (sewage)

          and no I will not make sense of things I do not understand because i'm not a twat. if I don't understand something I admit "holy crap this is beyond me." and perhaps I will ponder it for awhile but my hypotheses will not be definite answers only maybes and perhaps.

          but seriously feeling a glow inside your stomach when your horny is not even evidence to suggest that chakra anything exists beyond the acupuncturer's table and maybe that nuruto show my brother is into.

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          • Short4Words

            You're right about that, that's a leap I took to make things make more sense. I don't truly know or believe that is hands down the reason why. Anyways I appreciate the feedback.

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            • Leviathanel

              I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said while I was trolling.

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