Is it normal to be scared to death by spiders?

I hate spiders. I always have and last night I saw one on the ceiling and I stood there like 30 min. Trying to get down so that I could squish it. Spiders scare me so much that I start crying when one gets close to me. Is this normal?

Ps. I'm a girl.

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 81 votes (69 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • zchristian

    I have actually heard of people throwing themself out of a driving vehicle to escape a mostly harmless but big spider so i would call this normal.

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  • porsublue

    I hate to see them shrivel up and die. :{} creepy. :(

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    It is called arachnophobia.

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  • penguin1

    Spiders are ok. I'm not afraid of them. Besides, they eat pesky insects.

    My cousin however, will scream and whine and get someone to remove the spider from the room and then kill it. Come on, it's just a spider!

    Me, I'm the type that'll decorate with fake, plastic spiders for Halloween.
    And maybe... (Cause I'm evil) leave a few in my cousin's room...

    Okay, just joking. But spiders aren't as bad as most people think they are.

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  • porsublue

    Thanks guys :)

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  • lufa

    If you think spiders are scary you should see house centipedes, they are fucking scary, disgusting and they are frighteningly fast runners.

    You haven't known terror till you've seen one of these monsters crawling up your wall or furniture.

    Fortunately in my previous house they were rare (don't have them in this house thankfully)-but damn what an awful sight.

    I'll take harmless little spiders over those centipede fuckers any day.

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  • BigScaryRooster

    Being scared of spiders is normal. They creep me out and their bites are itchy and irritating.

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  • RoyalKnight

    It's normal. I have Arachnophobia myself. Compared to most people though, my fear of spiders probably isn't as great. As weird as this might sound, many times I can tolerate spiders and even find them adorable.

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  • StarScream18

    Yes this is very normal. The general description of an arachnid freaks most people out. Mainly to the fact that they can be poisonous.

    But as far as them being in your house, try to get them out. Don't kill them as they are living beings too. However if a spider that is dangerous is in your house. Do as you must to protect yourself and others.

    Also get some pest eliminators or some powerful spray and spray the lining of your house out doors. And spray the door steps and what not.

    I lived in florida for three years. Black Widow capital and I did not see a single widow in my house. All thanks to our spray. I am a boy and quite frankly if I saw a black widow or any poisonous spiders in my home, I would cry like a baby.

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  • porsublue

    Well I dont mind them dying but the thought of their action.

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  • kellstar79

    Have lots of bug spray in your home, that way wherever you are in the house you will always have one close by to kill it. I don't like killing them myself but if it scares you that much then just do it

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  • porsublue

    Well if there in the way then I need to get rid of them. But I usually get my brothers to get them.

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  • Aurora93

    Ahhh I hate them too. You squish them though? You can bear to be that close to them? :O

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