Is it normal to be scared to death of getting old!

I don't want to get old...): I'm 20 almost 21. Not too far from 30.......I've never had a girlfriend and scared of dying alone. I miss being a kid with no worries. I miss the 90's and the early 2000's. 27 or 28 would probably my last year of youth.... CURSES.

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85% Normal
Based on 47 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • PumpkinKate

    Geez this is depressing. I'm 28 and feel old all the time.

    On the plus side, I only feel old about things like cultural and technological differences from when I was a kid. I still don't like texting and "do it wrong" according to my younger friends. I can't stand "dubstep" whatever it is other than horrible noise those darn kids listen to these days.

    When it comes to physical things? HAH! I'm 5'7" 135lbs, I do parkour regularly. I jog, I hike, I climb things, I'm better at backflips than most people I know! All that makes me feel young, and there's no reason you shouldn't be able to be at the same place when you get to my age (if it's what you want, of course.)

    I play video games, I have a D&D group. I make fart jokes. I laugh when someone slips on a banana peel. I flirt and kiss strangers I think are pretty. I pretty much do as I please, and most of it is childish!

    You may never be able to get any younger, but you can ALWAYS be youthful. You're a baby. Your whole life is ahead of you, not behind. Trust me. You're gonna love it.

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  • SeverusFan23

    One is only as old as they feel. I'm 19 but i don't feel 19.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    My belly is fat and wont go away i feel too old to excercise.

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    • Imsupernormal


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      • Terence_the_viking

        I'm already old.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Remember: Age is just a state of mind.

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  • Alysin

    I've always been like this and would actually cry about how I didn't wanna grow up when I was around 4-6
    I'm 18 and I feel old and scared about when my life actually begins
    So yes, it's normal

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  • ry1987x

    I'm going through the exact same thing...I'm going to be 26 in two months and I just feel so old. I often find myself daydreaming about the 90's and early 2000's...god I miss those times so much. Your not alone!

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  • hairyfairy

    I`m terrified, I`m in my 50`s, & I`m dreading each birthday & the thought of being carted off to god`s waiting room.(old folk`s home).

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  • Wendell

    Your story's title is hilarious

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  • Thebend

    It is very normal. When I was your age I used to look at 30 year old people and wonder how they make it through the day with their old slow bodies. A guy of 33 once challenged me to a game of squash, and I was afraid he would die of a heart attack. Being 19/20 is great, because your body is so good and you hardly ever get tired. I am 59 now, and hey, it's ok. Those fears sort of wear off after a while.

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    • Tinybird

      I'm 19 and I'm always tired :/

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  • cat36769

    I'm Sorry I said no it's not I pressed the wrong button

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