Is it normal to be scared to do what you love?

so im not sure if this is normal or not but i love art with all my heart but sadly i sometimes think my art is not good enough i run out of ideas then i get new ones. i want to become an art teacher and do what i love for a living<3, but im scared that i wont be able to get some subjects right i never took an art class (which i always wanted to do and hopefully will before i get out of highschool) is it normal to be scared to do what you love?

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84% Normal
Based on 56 votes (47 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • karmasAbich

    It's normal. You know a lot and care a lot about the subject, so you want to perfect the subject and don't feel that you could do that. i get it, I often wonder the same thing. Get a good grasp on what it takes for you to do what you love, and practice until you obtain it. Attitudes are key, i say this a lot, but it is true. Good luck :)

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  • debpratim.ghosh

    You better be doing more and more practice.

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  • suckonthis9

    Maybe you should try starting your own "school of art".
    When people take art classes, they fall into the same old "traps". They adopt ideas that have been done over and over again, with only little variation.
    If you have a truly novel idea, pursue that.
    REMEMBER, that your art is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. This should be your guide. Try to sell some of your art and see what people are willing to pay the most for.

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  • assh0le

    Don't give up your dreams and become a drone like so many of us do.
    If you have a talent, nourish it like a plant and never give up!

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  • kellstar79

    Don't let fear stop you from doing something you love and are passionate about! Some people are very critical of their own works of art. Study hard, focus and believe in yourself and you can do anything! Good luck

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  • home

    yes because you are so in star struck mode by it that your worst fear is losing it!!!

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  • Dot123

    You just gotta find your passion in life and make happiness and money off of that! Just remember life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you gonna get!

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