Is it normal to be scared to effect society and the universe?

I get these thoughts that I will never own a house or have a decent job because the unfolding of the universe is predetermined and there is nothing I can do about it. I am scared to do anything in case I trigger the end of the universe so I just sit on the computer going through forums and googling things over and over again.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • katsu

    No, you're not God. Get out in the real world, your insanity will slowly disappear, problem solved.

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  • That_Dude999

    This is something silly to assume in pre-action.
    If you do, you admit to having foresight and you are able to tell what the future brings!
    Human error is a 100% excepted fact, including you, so you might want to check up if your foresight might be a little diluted!
    Accepting the fact that anyone having the capability of foresight lies at around 0.000000000000000001% further including a very prude approach on how likely this foresight might be diluted, I would say that you have a 0.0000000000000000005% chance of actually being right.
    Should that be the case, then: Yes, you are chosen to do all the things you mentioned!
    I now get to the next point that prooves you might be wrong: IF fate is predetermined... how can you *accidentally* bring all the universe down?
    If you would bring it down, you would propably bring it down whatever you do AND it would have been a concious act by the universe itself, choosing you as a pawn in its suicide!
    Our lifes might be predetermined, but that also means that there must be a greater power controlling and leading all these planned existences and you would only act in the name of such greater power: A rather cool thought! Go out and introduce yourself as the harbringer of ultimate destiny! Chicks eat that up!

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  • saduJ18

    Googling things over and over again can cause an unbalance in the alloted number of questions that we as humans can ask daily. The magnetic field created by your overworked computer will probably cause the earth to flip on it's axis prematurely, wrench itself out of the sun's gravitational pull, and hurl off into space colliding with shit snd ultimately bring about the total end of the universe. Go outside for a while.

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  • DolphinAngel

    Everything on this planet changes this planet a bit! If you affect this planet you take an effect on the whole universe but that is most likely nothing bad...

    Just go out and make your own destiny!

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  • Avant-Garde

    I often worry that if I do something whether or not it would effect things (universally).

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  • DannyKanes

    Everything can be re-written. Control your own life.

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  • steve5227

    The future isn't predetermined. Focus on what you can control and take life day by day.

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