Is it normal to be scared what the technology will do.

If Im walking around I see people with headphones and smartphones everywhere, living in their own world. Then I see the 8 year old kids, having blackberries, what the hell will the future bring us? Do the kids even know how to play without anything electric? Do I have to explain to my kids what a television was? I just don't like thinking about how we will live in the future, is it normal?

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75% Normal
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Comments ( 23 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Decide now that technology will not control your life. It is a useful tool but it makes us lazy. These things should enhance life, not stifle it.

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  • dappled

    Every society worries about the future. Football was banned in the 14th century. It's now part of most of our lives and causes little harm. In the 1950's, parents were probably concerned that their children had stopped playing football and had started watching TV. Similarly in the 1980's that kids were playing with computers in their rooms and not socialising. Or in the 2000's that so many people are choosing to shut the world out in favour of their iPod.

    I don't think this generation is any more antisocial or backward than any previous generation, but I do think it's become more acceptable to express it. And, being able to express how you feel, even if it's negative, is not necessarily a bad thing. The older generations often suffered in silence and with quiet dignity. I admire that, but they were still suffering.

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  • dom180

    Why is this somehow a bad thing? Surely progression is good, no? I'm sure when you grew up you knew nothing of 19th century technology, and I'm sure that you have not suffered because of it. So why will today's kids suffer from lack of knowledge of 20th century technology (this whole thing is a myth by the way, I'm 16 and I've never had to explain to anyone my age what a record player is. We're not idiots!)?

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  • emilydoll

    Everthings gonna be ALLright

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  • Audrina

    Totally normal. Ted Kaczynski worried about this stuff too.

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  • zchristian

    No one knows the future still im not afraid of change so come at me...

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  • Dad

    Actually young kids should be playing in the park, and riding bikes, and going to their friends house.

    But parents are now overly protective (and I understand this) But I feel that this will never be as good as when I was a kid and computers and electronic gadgets didn't even exist.

    All I can say is there are going to be a lot of fat solitude adults walking around.
    Kids NEED to play outside.

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  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    tv is technology too yano :) but yep its normal but we're all pretty much addicted, wed be lost without it

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  • I know where you're coming from. I don't have a phobia, so much as dislike. I don't like seeing children being consumed by technology. I often wonder if children still play with toys, rather than iphones. On top of that I've noticed that technology has a superficial effect on people. It makes them crave technology and look down on those who don't have them. I may be 16 but I'd much rather live in a simpler time.

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    • joybird

      I've mentioned this before but there was a social experiment done in a British school to see if children are happier with / without technology.

      At the start they scored their happiness as not great. They took all the technology off them for a month which forced them all to interact and play games etc together. At the end the children said they were much happier and felt they had less to worry about, instead of trying to keep up with their peers for the 'latest gadget'.

      People playing xbox games etc verbally insult each other in a way they would never do in real life. This makes me think that they don't know the same limits any more, or basic respect.

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      • Without technology we don't have competition with our peers, right? This i agree with. Furthermore, I believe that without it we become more... whole. Teenagers nowadays are spoiled with technology, as opposed to the teens in the 90s. I would love it if, not just my school, but America went without superficial technology for a month. Not every bit of tech but just the ones that wont be detrimental to our economy if taken away. Oh and by the way, when was this experiment conducted?

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        • Juniper

          I partly agree, but at the same time, tech has given us this very site on which we can share and relate about things. For some isolated ppl, it's a real lifesaver.

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        • joybird

          I think that experiment was about 6 months ago.

          I think there are enough ways that children compete, whether it be academic achievement or clothes or sport. However, I do agree that children are so busy interacting with each other via technology that they are not 'whole' people. In Iceland they used to have no TV on a Thursday but I don't know if they still do that.

          I had a conversation with my sister last week about the new iPhone and how she can talk to it and the info she can obtain. She used the example of going on holiday, what the temp is, when it last rained, etc. etc. I agreed but as I pointed out, she could spend 2-3 hours getting loads of info about the place and what to see etc - yet the suitcases still aren't packed. That's real life - having to do real boring things!

          My son won't even take the time to go for a hair cut coz of computer games. So I pulled the plug!

          BTW I was a teenager in the '80s and the only technology we had was a telephone and the colour TV with 4 channels. It didn't kill me and I don't feel the need to upgrade any technology I do have - unless it's broken, TV, mobile phone, etc

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          • I envy the time when you were my age. Telephones, computers, and televisions are the only tech that we need, at least for entertainment purposes. I know technology is convenient but it makes us lazy. Also your right, competition among teenagers isn't limited to just obtaining the newest technology.

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            • joybird

              haha We didn't have computers! A typewriter was a luxury.

              To be honest, all I need even now, is the phone (for my son), a radio and a good book.

              It's why so many teenagers moan that they are bored. We were never bored - running errands for the elderly, or walking people's dogs for them, gardening, decorating, anything the adults could think of to keep us out of trouble. We had a great community spirit though and knew every neighbour. We went to church discos without alcohol and even roller discos :o) We had no money for drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. We had so many laughs! I meet up regularly with my friends from primary school 4-10yo and we laugh until 2am every time - and all love each other dearly!

              I feel so sad for the teenagers now, who do not have the opportunity to make 'real' friends coz of their obsession for technology - which leads to isolation.

              Glad I was born when I was.

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  • emilydoll


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  • I'm excited about it.

    I want to be able to tug my earlobe so that I can connect to the World Wide Web inside my head - without getting a tumor, of course.

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    • superaspie

      Yeah I know!

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