Is it normal to be scheduled outside of your availability?

Since I still go to school, my availability for my fast food job is usually in the evenings. With time off like spring break, my managers think it is alright to schedule me outside of my availability because they know that I don't work. Is this okay for them to do?

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8% Normal
Based on 12 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Nickvey

    just tell them to take a flying fuck , what can they do fire you? you dont even have to list them in your employment history.

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  • lordofopinions

    If you told them up front you're a student and can only work in this time frame then if they schedule you outside then remind them. Maybe they forgot. If they insist then just don't show up for the off schedule shift. If they give you crap remind them again you're a student and can only work certain hours. If you get canned then no loss. Your classes are top priority. Don't be bullied!!!

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  • gotogirl118

    My work does the same thing to me. I’m unavaialble those days because of school. Speak up for yourself. You cannot get in trouble for calling out or talking to them when it was their mistake not yours.

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  • Shackleford96

    That's not ok, no. However, it's pretty common in my experience. You have to stand up for yourself if you want it to be different. Nip it in the bud so to speak.

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    What fast food outlet do you work at?

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