Is it normal to be serious about religion?

I follow 5 religions and 4 pagan beliefs (quasi-religious), and the new religion I replaced from Christian Science is Puritanism, because the will to be drug-free (Christian Science) is ignored, perhaps they'll pay more attention and respect the clothes I wear and my only morals (Puritan morals) that I follow. I'm considering wearing my collar and Pilgrim's hat in the workplace. I don't currently have a job, but, as my dream before the waking suggests, I want to do hard work (paid). And who in their right mind is going to refuse my application on the grounds of my religious clothes, even the weird ones? Religion should be catered to no matter how weird it is, and it should be respected no matter how, ditto. So my 'mission' is the Puritan clothes and to go out in public dressed like that. I saw Puritan clothes on the internet, it's not weird, it's actually a brown long-sleeve shirt. The result of the very idea, even the hat, weirded Fab (the support worker) out and I don't think that's funny, he's afraid to be strange. I don't need authorities like that, I'll be moving out to non-government housing which means I can do whatever I want in that godforsaken facility which I lived in for 6 1/2 years and as weird and strange as I want over there. People should make allowances for my terms to: 1. wear my religious clothes at all times in the workplace, 2. follow only God's rules and the rules of anyone who doesn't contradict or interfere with those rules, and 3. I must pray prior to working. This means my religion should allow for this treatment and people should follow through on it. If the Muslims can wear their ridiculous hats, and the Sikhs can wear their turbans, at work, even in the police force, then I can wear my Puritan clothes and hat in a factory, why shouldn't I! Fab thinks these terms are silly, but isn't anything religious/quasi-religious silly? I won't take no for an answer, I can't even gamble, play cards, dance or do drama in this religion because the 4 are sins. I follow the law, I'm going to be the elect in heaven, therefore it's my right to be treated specially for my religion, is any of this normal?

Voting Results
23% Normal
Based on 13 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Jack_Frost

    How the f*** can you follow this many religions at the same time?

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    • Hansberger

      I interchange between one religion and another, one religion at a time.

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  • lordofopinions

    Pick one. All those beliefs in your head will drive you nuts but it sounds like you might already be there.

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    • Hansberger

      It won't drive me nuts because I have inner peace, and following them in the first place, I don't commit apostasy, the most recent religion I also believe in, based on Buddhism, is Happy Science, if I'm to pick one Happy Science will be the one religion I'll follow.

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  • _confused_

    When you called Paganism quasi religion and said you follow it along with Christianity,I stopped reading.

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    • Hansberger

      The thing is Christianity isn't 100% anti-pagan, the authentic Bible (King James) says "any man or woman with a familiar spirit, or is a wizard, must surely be put to death", it didn't say anything about scrying, wicca, necromancy, sorcery, witchcraft, hoodoo, high magic, etc, just wizardry. It's very specific.

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  • Hansberger

    I follow all those 5 religions as I said above (and 2 Christian sects now), see my post on restorational faiths to understand. I now follow an extra sect (it's not so much religions I'm obsessed with, but sects) called The True And Living Church Of Jesus Christ Of Saints Of The Last Days, a Mormon sect in which sugar, honey and meat are forbidden and the Word Of Wisdom has been altered to be a raw food diet (in the year 2000 this sect has become extinct because of an inaccurate prediction of Jesus's second coming in 2000).

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  • TerriAngel

    Youre either a troll,
    or just another religious nut job.
    You are free to believe whatever.
    It doesnt give you special rights on the job site.
    Some indians smoke peyote in their religious act.
    I dont want them driving a forklift or semi truck while stoned on it.
    keep your religion at home or in your church.

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    • Hansberger

      What about religious eating? Fine, you don't have to respect it, but at least let me eat raw foods, and no meat, sugar or honey for lunch on the work site!

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  • EnglishLad

    Without being offensive, if I was the boss of a company, I wouldn't hire you for health and safety reasons. Just saying.

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