Is it normal to be shit scared of storms?
I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, I hate them! They scare the living daylights out of me and reduce me to fears, does anyone else have this fear? IIN?
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I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, I hate them! They scare the living daylights out of me and reduce me to fears, does anyone else have this fear? IIN?
It's normal. I used to be terrified of thunder and lightening storms. I would cry and hide under furniture:/ But now that I'm older, for some reason I'm not across of storms anymore. In fact, I absolutely enjoy them! I get so excited when it looks like it's going to rain and I always hope for lightening:) Storms go so beautifully with music.
There's a storm coming like nothing you've ever seen, and not a one of you is prepared for it.
I was walking my dog and a storm came in. I'm usually not afraid of thunderstorms but it was so close. I ran back inside. haha.
It is a very common phobia, although I love them myself. Ran and thunder put me to sleep faster than anything!
My grandma used to get under the table during thunderstorms. Luckily her grandchildren weren't evil enough to use tape recordings of thunderstorms and a heavy duty flash-gun to simulate storms and "make grandma go under the table".
Maybe you could get a puppy or something. Many dogs usually share this fear you have of storms, maybe you would at least have some comfort knowing you weren't the only one going through the fear. Get yourself a cuddle buddy :)
Don't worry, it's a common phobia. Me, on the other hand, I love storms :) The wind, the rain, the lightning and thunder, I love it all :)