Is it normal to be so afraid of being mentally slow?

I know for sure that I'm not retarded, but I'm seriously afraid that I might be a little bit slow mentally. Self doubt literally haunts me throughout the day. Sometimes I make dumb little mistakes that I shouldn't make. This one time I was making a plan for my boyfriend and I to get on the bus, even though my boyfriend's car was out in the parking lot and I had seen him drive up. Why did that evade my memory? Another time I was in a Stater Bros. supermarket and I was about to swipe my Ralph's(another grocery store) card when someone pointed out that it was a Stater's and not a Ralph's. I knew I was in a Stater's the whole time, why did I forget all of a sudden? Things like this happen to me all the time and I'm always beating myself up for it. If someone else is around when I make these mistakes then I feel extremely embarrassed because of it. Am I over reacting?

The worst thing is that I'm slow at doing things. I'm always the last to finish eating, at school I was always the last one out the door, I don't clean as quickly as others, and I'm just slower at doing and learning things overall. Today I overheard my coworkers and my boss talking about how my work speed hasn't improved yet(This is probably my 9th day of working there, each day I've worked about 3 hours, sometimes 4. They say that 6 days if when we're all supposed to pretty much have the hang of things). My boss asked the coworkers if I get distracted talking to them, and they said I don't talk to them that much. One of them said "Yeah, she doesn't get distracted talking to us, so I don't know what's up with her." This is the main reason I'm making this post. Hearing that pretty much demolished my self-esteem for the day.

I remember a long time ago, when I was in middle school, I took an online IQ test and scored 94. The site said that was within normal range, but I still felt pretty shitty knowing it was on the lower end of average. A few years later I took the same test and scored 119. I don't know if that counts or not because it was the same test, but I figured that maybe it did since it was probably long enough for me to forget how to solve the questions. Although it wasn't an IQ test, I once took a pre-college test to see if I had the basic skills to attend the school. The counselor said that she was impressed because I scored in the top three percentile. She said most people answer 13 out of 50 questions right, whereas I got 29 out of 50. I think I just have good reading comprehension, but that seems to be the only thing I'm good at.

Anways, what the hell is up with me? I feel like if I am a little slow then I'm fucked for life. I hate the idea of always being one step behind others, I absolutely hate it. Does anyone know if it's possible to get faster and/or smarter? I know this was a long post, but it kind of had to be. I appreciate it if you've read it this far, thanks for your time.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • anti-hero

    You explain yourself very well, I doubt you are slow at all. We have all done similar things, it's just life. Smile and don't be so worried.

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    • Thanks for the reassurance, I know I shouldn't worry all the time but it's just hard for me not to. I've known that there has always been something "off" about me ever since I was a child. I wonder if I might just be bad at focusing on the world around me instead of what's going on in my head. Maybe I should check to see if I have ADD or something.

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      • anti-hero

        ADD maybe but slow, no way jose.

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  • Dazzle

    We live in a world where speed is everything, because time is money, money is life, life is fast.
    Don't let people push you around because you're slow. Slow is better, because you have more time to think. If we all took some time to think before talking of even writing, everyone would be better off. Yet I am saying this while typing as fast as I can and without taking time to think as the answer seems obvious to me (ahh duality of man).
    I might end up looking back on it telling myself "Damn, what a shitty answer, if only I had taken the time to think and explain properly" but it's a risk I am willing to take for the sake of "time".
    I think slow but good is better than fast and average.
    I have my friend's dad who is French's foremost German language expert, he is also a man of letter and a philosoph.
    Whenever I talked to him, he took at least 10 seconds to answer me, because he actually thought of the best way to answer, be clear and cover all aspects of his thoughts on the question, even for trivial matters.
    That's when I realised, we valorise speed for everything, yet slow is good if not better.
    I am sure that this man I had the chance to meet more than once is someone who succeeded in life because he took things slowly and he is sure to live longer because of it.
    My advice is: learn stuff, take your time, keep going at your own pace and be good at what you do.
    As for the littles things you forget: we all have those moments when we make silly mistakes or forget things, that's why we're humans, we can't be perfect.
    Sometimes, more time means even more money!
    Unless time is of the essence, you can take as much as you like.

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  • crygypsy

    hahaaa you're fine. Some people just aren't in a huge rush. You are more layed back. It's probably just your personality. I'm the same way. Just cuz your not on crack, looking around you every second to keep in perfect tune with what's going on at the moment, doesn't mean you're retarded. You are probably kinda spacey. I get made fun of for this also. But i think it's what makes me more creative and more unique =D

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  • blackalica

    Penis. Badum tis.

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  • butternutsquash

    You sound a lot like me. But I'm not normal at all. I'm pretty sure that I'm too weird to function. You'll be fine though, don't worry. I, on the other hand, am screwed.

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  • Brain training- Lumosity is a good site.
    Cod liver oil like the other person said. Maybe try to be more assertive in your daily processes. Have the confidence to approach your boss and ask for advice about what your roles expectations are. Just try to be on your toes a bit more and the effect will transcend. Become more aware overall. You'll be fine

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  • steveowens

    Take fish oil, read a lot. Problem solved.
    (google Fish Oil, it makes up 80% of your brain fats, within weeks your literally smarter.)

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    It sounds like you are describing non-encouraging co-workers and brain farts. We all have "moments" as I like to call them.

    I share this fear though, however, my fear also involves mental retardation. I believe that I might be mentally retarded and everyone around me is too nice to say anything about it.

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