Is it normal to be so afraid of death?

I am not dying and hopefully not for a long time. Im 18 and since i can remember ive had this overpowering fear of death.

Once i think about leaving the face of the eartg forever i panic loose my breathe and cry untill someone calms me down, it sounds so pathetic and childish but i dont want my life to just disintegrate forever. Theres no proof of afterlife to calm my nerves or thoughts on where i go next or if i just die and my soul goes like it was never there to begin with.

Would speaking to a counseller help me overcome my fear? They say face them but erm death is something you cant face and come out alive so....HELP

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Comments ( 5 )
  • -Rue-

    If it gives you any comfort, there are people whom have had near death experiences and offer accounts of what they saw in the after-life.

    Most recently the movie "Heaven is Real" described what a child saw after briefly dying for a couple minutes.

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  • the_giraffe

    Well the same happens to me, i am so terrified of life, sometimes i wake up at 3 am w/ chest pain & start crying just thinking about dying, its like i dont want to live anymore, im really tired of life sometimes, but im afraid to die. It overwhelms my head & im just confused, i have no idea what to do because i try tk be happy, but that subject always pops into my head, although im not sure what exactly scares me about death, im a catholic but i have doubts of God, i want to believe in him & i want him to love me, but idk whats stopping me, im in deep need of help also.

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  • kinkykitten

    No one gets out here alive..but i think the same thing.I hope i dont die too soon and live to see 100!!! But yea im scared.But i dont believe in afterlife i believe in next life or you just die permnately..sorry idk how to explain but im atheist :/

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  • thegypsysailor

    Since death will come to every single one of us (and every single living thing), no matter how rich, beautiful or intelligent, there is absolutely no point in worrying about or fearing it.
    You can face it any time you wish; hang gliding, base jumping, bungee jumping, riding in balloons, etc. or even riding in a car, which is the most dangerous thing most humans do on a daily basis.
    Being so afraid of death that you do not live your life to the fullest is not a very good way to live. You know you are definitely going to die, just not when, so go out and do anything you want and enjoy the fear as well as the fun, doing dangerous things brings.

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    • royalewitcheese

      I know that i have plenty of friends following the yolo motto however i dont tiptoe through life to arrive safely to death but i just panic over the fact my life seems to be rushing so quickly lately. I just dont know how to over come this

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