Is it normal to be so hurt

iv been married 30 years and my wifes non stop complaining is getting to be so annoying i feel like killing her at times how much she goes on and on and on even her family and our friends do notice and comment and word got back to me of people saying how stupit and donkey i am . so let me tell u no matter what i do its not up to her likening .from moment i wake up in morning shee tells me im making to much noice getting dressed . if i ring her on my break its listen to how stupit and no good man i am .if we go shopping the traffic jam is way i went . the world resession was my doing .even covid its gone past the joke

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56% Normal
Based on 9 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Bassmachine

    The answer is more SEX!

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    • Wow3986

      Bad take.

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  • BlueAlice

    It sounds to me like your wife has chosen to have a personality disorder. Why on earth did you ever marry?

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You should have trained her not to be like that. After 30 years idk if she can change. You both gotta set boundaries early on.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Well keep the noice down!!!!!!!!!!

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