Is it normal to be so paranoid

i am paranoid of cameras. i hate going out in public due to cameras, i feel like there are people watching and judging everything i do and laughing then sending out employees to walk by and see my reaction and if one smiles at me i think they are smiling at an inside joke they just came up with while watching in the camera room. this is debilitating my life and areas i go and or socialize in/at
is this normal?

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 72 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Faceless

    Just think about NASA technology and Google street view before you sleep. Youll feel better.

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  • seabird_71

    It sounds like you have an anxiety disorder, a severe one. A lot of people have worries like the ones that you have. If you can afford it or can get your insurance to pay for it, I would seek therapy if I were you.

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  • Shackleford96

    Smoke a LOT of weed. You definitely won't have any paranoia then. Nope. None at all


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    • hukukcu

      yeah, i actualy get something like this camera paranoi, when i am high

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    • emotionalwreck4ever

      actually some people get paranoid while theyre high.

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      • Shackleford96

        I was being sarcastic, sorry about the confusion...

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    • turnoff2012

      really? I have heard this before but not tryed, but it is legal now in ca

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      • Shackleford96

        I was actually being sarcastic as a joke, but you're free to try whatever you like though.

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  • redtruck

    Stop thinking about that just feel like if you we're sexayy !! :) and don't Mind know one smiling at you

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  • saywah??

    u need some xanax

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  • Avant-Garde

    I know how you feel. There are times when I can't leave The house or function well in public because of this. I used to not be able to leave the door of The
    house open or walk in front of it, because I knew they were watching me. I'm now paranoid about other things.

    Paranoia could be cause over a number of things, like schizophrenia. How long have you had this?

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    • turnoff2012

      This has been going on for 3 years and got really bad during the second year, I sought help, got managable but this keeps comming back and so very easily gets into my head and races on an unreal level of being paranoid about everything.

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      • Avant-Garde

        I've been paranoid since I was much younger. I used to be extremely paranoid about food and then it kept escalating. I have a therapist, but I don't know if he knows and everything with him is OCD accusations. My family have always told me that I "needed help", but yet they refuse to tell my doctor and keep turning a blind eye....

        For me, I honestly think it's schizophrenia and maybe it's the same for you? I suggest trying to get analyzed for it. If it's not that then I'm sure they'll manage to figure it out:)

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