Is it normal to be so scared?

I'm scared of everything. Being home alone, strangers, the dark, oblivion, diseases, the government, the illuminati, losing people, being forgotten, dying... the list goes on.

I recently got scared that I might have cancer or some kind of terminal illness that is slowly killing me. Have you ever experienced any of this? Is it normal?

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 135 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Anime7

    Sounds like really bad anxiety. I'll admit that some of those fears, like getting a disease and strangers, are understandable, but others, the Illuminati, don't sound rational. You don't sound like you have a safe place, like a place where you don't have to worry. Perhaps you might want to see a counselor.

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  • Peptox

    It depends if you're just scared and they are rational fears or you're absolutely terrified.

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  • redoctober

    You Sir/Madam are going to die very, very young if you keep this up.

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  • gummy_jr

    Jeez what the hell man. Do you realize this site is full of strangers?

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  • mia_streeter

    Look everyone has their own fears!! I'm even scared if half of that stuff!! It is totally normal!!!

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  • lacrosse2121

    Its sounds like u have phobias to alot of things that connect into others and if not that u deffinatley have anxiety and lots of itt!!

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    I agree with Anime. Some axiety in normal, and is a sign of conflict, but usually can be resolved by rational thought. However, you sound very insecure, and you need to talk this out before it gets worse.

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