Is it normal to be so scared
Im so scared of the dark my closet windows and bieng by myself im so scared of so many things like cluster of holes and stuff im kinda of a wierd kid how can i get rid of these fears
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Im so scared of the dark my closet windows and bieng by myself im so scared of so many things like cluster of holes and stuff im kinda of a wierd kid how can i get rid of these fears
I don't know how old you are but when I was a kid that would creep me out too. It wasn;t the dark spaces themselves it was the unknown that maybe "down the dark hallway" someone might be hiding ready to jump out at me.
It's not abnormal to have fears but when its debilitating, there is a problem. I kinda had to keep telling myself that its my imagination running away with me. Also at night I'd walk around the house with a flashlight but I'd turn it off for a bit to get used to the dark, then it got to the point that I didn't need the light to find my way around. I got to know my surroundings and learned that there was nothing to be scared of