Is it normal to be so weak

my biggest fear is that I'm not strong enough to keep living so I think about suicide. the bad thing is not only am I not strong enough for life I'm to weak to kill myself. I'm scared of it but want it. is it normal to be this weak to die.

Voting Results
42% Normal
Based on 57 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Paradiddle

    If these thoughts are real then I find them quite unjustified and causes you to defeat yourself over nothing, unless there is a hidden past or events that has caused you suffering that we don't know about. If everything is fine then this is nothing but making problems where there are none. Still, I feel that if you constantly tell yourself you're weak, you will be. I'm not sure what it is about the future that you feel you won't be strong enough for but it might not be as serious as you're making it sound, everything will be just fine. There are many ways to live, some want to make splashes everywhere and get recognized while some just want to go with the flow and enjoy things slowly while not gaining attention and drama. School may give you grades but it hardly matters because no one will grade your life, just take it easy.

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  • No it's not normal. Get help. No one else has it any better, we all have the same stupid 24 7 lives, some people have more money and are more phoney, but just chill and know u r not alone. Think of yourself as lucky to live in the us and you have internet access. You can atleast beat off to free porn if u r a guy or get laid if u r a woman. Have fun

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  • pinkbug

    What do you mean by "your not strong enough to keep living"? It sounds like your saying something has happened to make you upset and you dont want to live any more beause of it. I cant gaurantee that I will be able to respond to you but I think you should talk with someone about how you feel (that you trust). It WILL help. And when you respond you can send me a private message if you like instead of posting it on the message board. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE YOUR OWN LIFE OR ATTEMPT IT. The attempts can also cause more suffering. You are in my prayers.

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  • Unimportant

    It is uncanny, how many people feel the same way as you these days. Too tired of life, too weak to end it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I wish you'd put in your age; it is so important if you really want help and it puts your situation in perspective.
    I'll wait.....

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    • losing_control


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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I'm in the same spot. I want to die badly but it's hard to pull the trigger.

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    • losing_control

      yea I mean some people don't understand that this is truly a hard choice to make I wanna die but I'm to scared to do it.

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  • college

    You're not weak, it's actually harder to keep living than it is to die. I would ask this question to someone who has a professional background on suicidality, and perhaps they could offer you some answers.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I'm very weak after I take a long dump

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