Is it normal to be straight but...?
The other day...I became overwhelmed with a profound question that I just couldn't shake. I wondered if any straight guys ever liked to suck cock.
It bothered me all day. So...I got home and logged into IIN. "What a great question for the is it normal community," I thought. I tried to focus on the submission page, something caught my was in the upper left-hand corner of the page...I couldn't focus on my was calling to me with a lonely, almost needy voice. A little white box with the word..."search" beside it.
I couldn't resist. I clicked on it and entered the words "I'm straight but" in the little box, then pressed "enter." When what before my very eyes appeared? MY GOD...50 PAGES OF OTHER, SIMILAR QUESTIONS!! 20 stories and polls per page, 50 pages...1000 questions
Then...I typed in "sex with cousin," 460 results. "Wife with another," 360 results. "Lose virginity" 480 results.
Then it dawned on me. What a stupid question anyway. If a guy liked to perform fellatio, by definition...he wouldn't be entirely heterosexual. Obviously...some guys are just obsessed.