Is it normal to be super scared of dying?

So I've never been comfortable with the idea of dying someday but I'm usually able to do my thing and not fixate on it. But a few weeks ago my grandma passed away and since then I've been freaking out quite a bit about the fact that I'm going to die someday. I'm only 26 and I'm fairly healthy but I keep thinking about death and how much time I might have left. It really freaks me out! Some days I have major panic attacks about it. Is it normal to be this worried about dying?

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65% Normal
Based on 23 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Dream as if you'll live forever and live as if you'll die tomorrow.

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    • Redcoats

      Not sure why you were thumbed down, have thumbed you back up (:

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  • Taikus

    Don't worry. When you will die, you won't care about it.

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  • Ellenna

    Normal if someone close to you has died recently, but not healthy to let fear of death dominate your life.

    You need to shift your focus to what's good in your life and make the most of it for as long as you're here

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  • Elixis

    I used to have panic attacks about dying too. It's a hard reality when someone close to you dies, you realize that you're as mortal as they were and you think about what will happen when you die too. It's completely normal to think about how much longer you have left.
    It can take a long time to know that you can do better things than think about that sort of stuff, or make sure that your time is worthwhile and that spending it thinking about it won't make it go away.

    tl; dr I'm just repeating what these people up here are saying haha

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  • green_boogers

    How about some goals? Many people have wasted their lives drifting aimlessly.

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  • pixie44

    Just try and do the things you love, Life is short.
    Make your life worth living.

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  • Yup. I'm that way. I want to be around forever but I won't get that.

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