Is it normal to be tempted to unfriend someone on facebook?
I have this friend whom I have known for a few years. We were really good friends, but she moved really far away. We still keep in touch on Facebook. I am not trying to be mean, but it seems that 90 percent of her posts are about "FML," "I just want to cry," "I'm depressed and don't know what to do," these frowny faces...if it is not about her boyfriend it is ALWAYS something negative. I feel so tempted to de-friend her from Facebook because she is such a downer. I am not trying to judge her or anything, but she needs to keep in perspective that there are millions of people who really do have it bad in life. From what I understand she has good parents, a job, and real friends. I have "hidden" her, and occasionally I check up on her, but I always see something negative that she posted. Plus the guy she is dating has changed her, and not in a good way either. I can't bring myself to un-friend her because she is my friend, and she had been hurt by so-called "friends" in the past, and I want to be a true friend to her. But her constant depressive posts are annoying. I am not sure what to do about her. Is it normal to feel that way?