Is it normal to be terrified of 2012

Everyone is saying that the world is going to end on December 21st 2012 something about the mayans predicting it or something... When ever I think about it I have like a Minnie panic attack. Does anyone know wat I'm talking about? Think the world will end?

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Redcoats

    It won't end. For three reasons.

    One: The Mayan Calender resets like a car odometer, similar to our calendar ending at the 31st December and

    Two: The end of the world was made up my Hollywood producers to gain maximum profit on movies and finally

    Three: Why are you frightened by something said by a civilization that used to perform human sacrifices to a sun god?

    Trust me, you'll be fine. I will see you in 2013 :)

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    • kingsleycrowne

      where will it end?

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      • Redcoats

        Where? I don't know. When? Probably in a few billion years.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Agreed with Redcoats.

    Even the Mayans themselves say that the end of the calender is just the end of that particular calender and nothing more. People have been preaching the end of days since the beginning of days. Just keep living your life, don't sweat what you can't change.

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  • anti-hero

    "something about the mayans predicting it or something"

    Great thing to base a fear on.

    That day is simply the day their calendar ends, that is as far as they got in their calendar making.

    If you will notice, some shit about the end of the world pops up about every 8-10 years. Yet we are still here. If the world ends 12-21-12, I owe you a Coke.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      ...And then the world does end in 2012 and you're like "Aw, shit! I don't have a dollar for a soda." :D

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      • anti-hero

        You know my game haha

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  • adtrbfmv

    Look! It's 2013!!

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  • 800imawesome

    They didn't predict the end. The calender just ended there, and some morons assumed that the world is gonna end then.

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  • jolly

    tell me how its going to end ??

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  • snowtail802

    some people say the world will end in fire so witch i have agreed with them for farther disre and some people say the world will end in ice for witch i belive for the earth is abd island in cold space -me

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  • SLAYER1232

    I dont beleve your exadurating...I still beleve the world will end in:2213:because of a verse in the bible...but the myans wher idiots to think they can predict when we all will ill see you on:2013:(THATS A PROMISE!)

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    • 800imawesome

      Please tell me you're kidding, because if not, you're dissing your own religious book. You called the Mayans stupid for predicting the end, yet you have no problem with the bible predicting the end.

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      • Short4Words

        As a fellow Christian, I'd like to point out that in Christianity it is taught and respected that no man, not even Jesus Christ, knows when the world will end, only God. So Harold Camping, and anyone professing to know the exact end date, is not a true Christian. That being, said, I personally believe the end times are near, but December 21 is not the end of the world, only an age.

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        • 800imawesome

          I agree. I look at the date as a new era.

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  • Axelrod1

    No bull, the world wont end, but you can bet that most religions will not be prevalent in the way they are today. Just think what could god be thinkking when he made a woman to be penetrated and a man be able to penetrate and then say to them both, if you do allow yourself to be penetrated you will go to hell for EVER. Dont you believe that the world will came to an end no time soon. Just go on and live your life as best as you can, and dont believe every thing you read ohear. Axelrod1

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  • kingsleycrowne

    My birthday is the 21st of December. Which is the date its going to end. So this year for my birthday I'm having an end of the world party, with the theme "party like there's no tomorrow." :)

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  • Avant-Garde

    Earlier this year, another Mayan calendar was discovered and it predicted that the world would "end" many years later in the future. While the world won't come to an end, many other "special events" are supposed to occur...

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  • dom180

    "a Minnie panic attack"

    I literally laughed out loud.

    And no, the world won't end in 2012. Although if thinking it will makes you live life to the fullest, go ahead I guess :/

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Do you know how many times the world was "supposed" to end? And throughout each time, we're still here. Don't know when the world is gonna end, but I'm just saying, this wouldn't be the first time they predicted it.

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  • kingsleycrowne

    Its going to end for sure.

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  • abominus566

    people have it all wrong, the way of living will change. it would be the end of the things you know, no one will die. things change all the time and its about time people started accepting it, there is nothing wrong with change

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