Is it normal to be terrified of anestesia not working?

I'm terrified of surgery minor or mayor. Im not scared of anything they do to me, cut me open me up etc... But I'm extremely afraid of the anestesia not working and feeling the pain and not being able to do anything, to be aware... It's so bad that just thinking about it makes me turn pale, start sweating, have trouble breathing, feel like my heart is beating really fast and stuff like that.
I fear the day i need surgery for real and may be to afraid to go through with it

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Thorolf

    Me too, I have a phobia of being tortured and that's unintentional torture.

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  • 53739

    This is one of my biggest fears too. I get terrified that I will be able to feel exactly what they are doing to me and I won't be able to show it because my body will be in paralysis. Thankfully I don't have to experience surgery or any other procedures too often.

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  • davesumba

    Just remember the doctors administering the anesthesia are anesthesiologists that are highly trained and specialized specifically in anesthesia and that's all they do all day. Trust me, you'll be in good hands.

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  • sYki

    Did you happen to see the movie "Awake" and are now feeling a little scared? If you haven't seen it DON'T, it won't help your situation lol

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  • wigsplitz

    You'll get over it. Or you won't.

    Put it this way...if you NEED surgery and you opt out, your chances of being in agony (eventually anyway) are a lot higher than if you go through with surgery.

    They know what they're doing, you'll be fine.

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