Is it normal to be terrified of babies with harlequin icthiosis

I am absolutely terrified of deformed babies, in particular ones suffering from harlequin icthiosis.

It goes beyond just not liking to look at them, if I happen to see a photo of one I panic to the point of almost crying and feel like it is watching me constantly wherever I am. I will even refuse to look in a mirror after I see one because I believe that I will see it laying behind me somewhere in the room.
I think this all starts from when I was 13 and my dad showed me a popular video of a harlequin baby, he didn't know that the word harlequin meant clown and told me that it meant demon. Even though I know better now that it's just a skin condition, I can't help but feel like there's something really evil about them..

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Comments ( 14 )
  • FalseDichotomy

    While people with physical disorders are generally unpleasant to look at, it is abnormal for one to feel the level of fear you're feeling about babies with harlequin icthiosis.

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    • Avant-Garde

      You're right. They can't help being born that way.

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  • charli.m

    It's a horrid condition, and it is very confronting, so your reaction is understandable. The first time I saw it on the internet, I didn't believe it was real, the poor little babies do not look human.

    After seeing it, I went through a period of being angry at myself for thinking "If that was my child, I don't know that I would be able to love it" which is a horrible thing to think.

    I can't imagine how strong and brave these people are to live with such a condition.

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    • Ellenna

      It wouldn't be the condition that would be the hardest thing to live with, it would be other people's reactions, which is true of most "disabilties"

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      • charli.m

        Do you even know what the condition is? Probably not, because you run your mouth off about nothing all the time, amd are too stupid to uunderstand the idea that the whole room is not called "the toilet".

        And no where did I say that the condition would be the hardest part to live with. You've just decided to be an uninformed dick, as per usual.

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  • Temperancebooth

    Yeah I just looked it up and I can relate to what you're saying, although I do feel horrified, I also feel so sorry for them because they can't help it :(((

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  • Jweezee

    It evokes sympathy for me, not terror. after google imaging this i am extremely grateful for my health. But i'm not going to put you down for your fear, just know life must be a daily struggle for them and people thinking they're demonic doesn't make it easier. So try to work on that. I'd hate to think that you might have a chance encounter with someone effected by this and absolutely flip out, they don't need that.

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  • so sad poor little things

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  • Avant-Garde

    I have no idea what it looks like. I think I'll wait till the morning and before I've had something to eat. I think what you have is a phobia. People often fear what they don't understand.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It doesn't scare me. I've seen worse. It's very unfortunate condition for both the child and the family to have to go through. Most people won't treat the child as a human being. They'll treat it like a monster. People can be so judgemental cruel. The whole situation is very sad.

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  • BurnaBaby27

    You guys are reeeally tempting me to google image this...since it's late at night right now, I think I'll pass and just remain curious.

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  • Couman

    If it makes you feel better, with modern treatments, people suffering from this can grow up to be only ugly instead of hideous. And they're only 13% eviler than than average. OK I made the last part up.

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  • Anime7

    I think we all fear things that we do not understand. Frankly, ugliness can be really scary. I actually looked up the disease and was horrified. I feel sympathy for the families who have to harbor a creature like that. I'll admit that I can see a what you mean by there being something demonic about it and I have to agree. Only a demon would be so cruel as to design a human being to look like that and suffer.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    i know it may sound like a horrible thing to say, but I sometimes wonder why humans with these sorts of genetic defects aren't miscarried.

    Your just frightened because you can't 'process' that's actually a human like you.

    I once saw that most horrible disfigured face roaming around the lower east side in NYC. I feel bad saying this, but his face was not human, and I couldn't help thinking "it" was going to kill me. Other than his face, he looked like the average skinny hipster.

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