Is it normal to be terrified of bees?

I'm a 23 year old male, and often times if there is a bee or a wasp or any flying stinging insect I flip out and immediately run for the exit. I'm not allergic to bees or anything like that. In fact I've only been stung once in my entire life at age 10.

also I'm not in the slightest afraid of any other bugs. Not even spiders.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • dappled

    Depends on the country you are in. Where I live, bees are very docile. I've stroked them before now and not been stung. I'm aware that there are types of bee you should be more careful of, though, like African bees.

    They're no more dangerous individually than any other bee but they pursue for longer, send out for much higher numbers of reinforcements, and I think they go into attack mode with less provocation.

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  • Ibelievethis

    I can understand about wasps and hornets ect as they are nasty little blighters who'll sting you if they're feeling a bit p***ed off, but bees usually only attack if they feel under threat. I was nabbed by a bee once and O.M.G it hurt like hell. I can only describe it like a needle being driven into my bone! Sorry I'm not actaully helping you to eliviate ur fear am I. How true it is I don't know but I believe that you can actually pick and bee up stroke it. I wouldn't recommend that you try it, though.

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  • YawningBober

    Yeah well some people are allergic to bees so it's understandable.

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  • nobleserpent

    I understand what you mean OP. Just yesterday I spotted a Bee hovering over me.

    I wasn't scared though, Because I was going to turn around and run before it even had a chance.

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    • Ibelievethis

      I don't want to alarm you but if you'd have ran away the bee would have chased you until he/she got you. If he she had made the decision to sting you. xx

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    Carry something flat (and perhaps big) with you, in your backpack or something.
    They are quite slow compared to other insects and they are struck down quite easily when they're annoying.

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    • Ibelievethis

      Not sure how true this is but I heard that: you can't kill a bee as they let off a scent and a large swarm of bees will come and attack you! Bees are very loyal to each other and stick together. It's actually illegal to kill a bee in England as they're a protected species. xx

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      • InvadingPotatoLeader

        Haha, yeah that's true when you're near a beehive, but not when it's a lone bee flying around harassing people with food.
        I doubt there will be a cop around seeing you hit a bee ;)

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  • howaminotmyself

    I have lots of bees in my yard. Sometimes I talk to them and ask them nicely to not land on me. I don't have what they're looking for.

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  • Shrunk

    Yeah, bees get a bad rap from Wasps, Hornets, Yellow Jackets, other black and yellow meanies (those are who to watch out for). Bees are very nice (the big fluffy ones), they rarely sting, you may have heard they die after their sting, so they save it for when they really need it, like protecting their hive, or if they feel in danger of being killed anyway, so as long as you dont have your hand in their nest or something they are nothing to worry about. I even petted one, once, it was so soft and cute :3

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  • zchristian

    If you annoy a bee you better run if you dont you have nothing to fear. Wasps are a bit different though since stinging usually dont kill them like with bees...

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  • NotFloydzie

    Aww. I kind of like bees.

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    • Ibelievethis

      Yeah they are kind of appealing. I love all creatures though. xx

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