Is it normal to be terrified of cockroaches?but not other bugs

i am terrified of cockroaches they come near me nd i freak out big time. all because one crawled on me while in the shower. i am not scared of any ohter bug but cockroaches they just freak me out so much. so is it normal?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Roaches are useless insects that have no purpose in this world.

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  • Xal

    That's basically how I feel. I have no clue why, but I have no problem with any other insects or arachnids for that matter. There is just something about cockroaches that makes them creepy and unsettling.

    I often come across them in my house late at night when I'm on my way to bed. Once I see one, I know I won't be able to sleep until I kill it. This usually leads to a lengthy battle between me and the crafty roach and end with me going to sleep paranoid and much later than intended.

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    • Elorria

      Love the way you explained that lol.

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  • Redcoats

    Cockroaches: The most misunderstood insect in history ):

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    • charli.m

      Really? :-S

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  • ithoo

    same for me it freaks me out too ever since i was really small

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  • emilydoll

    I too freak

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I have no fear of them myself, but I can understand why you would. They can be rather large and tend to be fast moving. Remember though, they can't hurt you like spiders.

    Spiders, the real enemy... yucky

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