Is it normal to be terrified of disabled people?
I'm not discriminating but every time I get around a person who is " slow" or a "vegetable" I get extremely anxious and scared. I don't know why this happens its just an automatic reaction I have?
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I'm not discriminating but every time I get around a person who is " slow" or a "vegetable" I get extremely anxious and scared. I don't know why this happens its just an automatic reaction I have?
Oddly enough, I feel the same when I am around homeless people. Not disabled people, period, but homeless, sign on the street and odd look in their eye people.
In my case as well, it isn't a conscious thing. I want to offer some inspiring advice or something about how to get around it, but none of it ever helped me when I was getting tense around one of those guys. I typically don't like giving advice that I am unable to follow.
Me too, but I think it's because my third grade teacher, one time, told us that these people are dangerous.
Their disability can be contagious. Just the other day my friend caught mental retardation by watching Ellen.
people are uncomfortable with the disabled ( please do not call them vegetables or slow) because it can be confronting to see someone who is so different from yourself. i had a boyfriend who would freak out if we wer approached by some one with special needs. i on the other hand hav no issues with interaction , infact i find time spent with such people a priviledge.
yeah until I've actually had a conversation with someone I'm generally a little uncomfortable but for me its just because I don't know how to react because Ive never been in there shoes. For the most part I just try to act normal because the thought of people acting different around me because I have something wrong with me would make me unhappy. But if they are a vegetable (permanently in bed at least) I think I would be pretty freaked out around them too. May not be nice but its just a feeling and if you don't overreact and hurt peoples feelings what does it hurt?
This is a good one a vegetable i can't help but to laugh because it just sounds so funny.
I try not to laugh at them in public but sometimes i can't hold it back and thats just apart of my disability is what i just said.