Is it normal to be terrified of fish and open water?

I am terrified of fish. I can barely walk past the meat isle with fish in the grocery store. If a friend of family member mentions a fishing trip, or fish in general, I feel as if I want to crawl in a hole.
Along with this fear of fish, I am terrified of open water. I hate going on lakes to fish and I hate going on cruises.


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47% Normal
Based on 38 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Fidgety

    I understand being afraid of deep water in lakes or oceans, because I'm afraid of deep water too, but being afraid of DEAD fish is a little absurd.

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  • SmushZeus

    I am the same I hate open water as well. But I can walk by the fish ale no problem lol...but I do get grossed out. I hate open water because the depths. Not knowing what can get you and what direction it can come from. One of my biggest fears is being in a rubber dingy boat and seeing a whale tale beside me. That means it's body is underneath me EEEEEEK!

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  • Are you the same person posting shit about being scared of an octopus?

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    • Missmurder023

      No. I saw that one too. I am not scared of octopus.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    While I don't have a fear of fish, I can tell you that it's normal. Loads of people have fears for a whole number of objects and situations.

    I like fish, but they are pretty nasty. All in all, it's normal.

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  • samalander

    Ya I can't deal with anything that has to do with spiders! I hate them. talking about them, looking at pictures, and anything in general creeps me out! I'm also afraid of open water! Swimming pools sometimes too! It's just a phobia! Try to learn to face that fear! ;)

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