Is it normal to be terrified of low-flying planes?

Ever since moving to a neighborhood that is slightly closer to my local airport than where I used to live, I freak out whenever I think a plane is abnormally close to the ground. I'm always afraid the plane is going to crash. Interestingly enough, when I am actually flying, I experience nothing more than mild anxiety during take-off and landing.

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84% Normal
Based on 38 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Same here, especially the privately owned Cessna planes because they tend to crash most often. And they always sound like they are about to crash too. It's like,


    Kaboooshhhhhkkkkzzzzbrrrckz! @(&#&$#@!)*@&$&#^%%@#&!@#
    Oh no, a plane just crashed in my garden! :(

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    • gummy_jr

      Poor flowers :(

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  • mmcrob94

    Every day.

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  • mmcrob94

    Statistically, 1 in 3 people get hit by planes.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    You really should be. They actually had a family and a plane crashed into the side of the house. Thankfully no one was actually IN the room at the time. However it still scared the shit out of the family I am sure. This was a head line on the news. I kind of considered airplane proofing my house after this. Like getting some tall concrete walls to make sure I was safe. I actually have lived in areas with low flying planes. None of them hit us thank god.

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  • jc25

    It's still 200 feet long. Not that close. If one starts to get enormously huge, then worry.

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  • Gumball

    It's normal to worry because of the environment you live in. Just don't let it cover you in paranoia. You will get used to it.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    You'll get used to it, eventually. Remember, though, if it's on far and it looks like it's going to crash land on you, run towards it rather than away from it. They tend to fall outta the sky at an angle and if that angle is towards you, then running closer to the angle would only make you a closer target.

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