Is it normal to be terrified of mosquito eaters and not mosquitos?

Every time I see a Mosquito i just wait till it sucks my blood and then i squeeze my muscle till the mosquito explodes (sometimes they do that, pretty cool actually)
but when i see a mosquito eater, i get non-stop shivers, i quiver and twitch and run as fast as i can in the other direction (which they always seem to follow me) so, why am I so afraid of mosquito eaters and is it normal?

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85% Normal
Based on 97 votes (82 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • No, they're the good guys. They don't fly worth shit though, which is annoying.

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  • Kagrbr

    Mosquito eaters are actually my biggest fear, (completely irrational I know) and the reason I'm looking this up is because I saw one in my room and now it's late at night and I'm in the living room completely and utterly terrified to back in to my bedroom, let alone sleep in my bedroom. So yes, to me this fear is completely normal.

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  • margauxrobles

    I've grown out of fearing most bugs (I'm 22), but not mosquito eaters.

    Those things horrify me. I try to be a good sport, but can't help but run from them. That, or silently cower when I'm over at someone's house.

    Eek. Ever since I was a toddler.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I KNOW!! I KNOW!! I have that same phobia. I am terrified the hell of mosquito eaters. I can' even look at them. Their legs are so creepy, and they don't seem to be afraid of anything so they don't care if they fly in your face and what not. I don't even go outside during spring because of those things. I am TERRIFIED of them! I had to many close encounters with them too, that I'd reather not remember. Don't worry, you're fine. But the liking to be bitten by a a mosquito, you're on your own on that one, lol :D

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  • BurnaBaby27

    I've never caught a mosquito in the act of sucking my blood.

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  • Neapolitana

    Ahhh I HATE those huge things!!!

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    • thischick1234

      I am happy I am not the only one

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  • Zippy

    ...Exploding mosquitos? Really? I kinda wanna try now.

    But, yes, mosquito eaters are sort of unnerving.

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    • thischick1234

      look to see if the mosquito's butt is fatter than normal, that means it is full, when it pierces your skin flex and (sometimes) they explode

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      • Zippy

        I bet blood gets everywhere when they do that, though. Yuck.

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