Is it normal to be terrified of sex at 18 years old?

there have been a few people that i have really liked and one in particular that i love… but whenever i get even close to intimate with this person i get panic attacks and straight away the image of sex pops up in my head and noises, i go all dizzy and i have to ask them to leave.. we have a weird relationship i guess. i have told them a lot of secrets that i haven't told anyone so i guess they understand a bit why i ask them to leave but i feel awful and whenever there gone for a while i think about how i really want to get intimate with them. it's like i get major cold feet and feel really quite ill is that normal? this is a really awesome person i have known for over 3 years now and we care about each other a lot, i thought being open about my issues would be helpful but if anything it gets worse.. i don't want to keep getting close and then have a massive freak out and not be physically able to see them for a while it is the worst cycle and a very tiring battle!

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Comments ( 4 )
  • riley10

    I guess it's my mother instinct that's making me say this, but I'm so happy you're scared of sex and 18 years old! If you were my daughter, I'd be thrilled :P However, your fear sounds a little dibilitating. I hope your fear isn't stemmed from abuse you may have experienced as a child. I really hope nothing happened to you. But I think it's normal to fear it. It's a big deal whether you're a virigin or not! Maybe it's a subconscious fear of intimacy? As I said, the fear is normal, but at your level, it sounds like there's something more. It's kinda like the fear of flying. I think most people feel a little unsettled, but they look so calm on the airplan, whereas I'm short of breath and obviously anxious. In other words, some can control the fear while others, like me, can't. If you can, try to see somebody about this. If you're still in school, I'm sure there's a counselor you can talk to. Good luck! Just remember that when you do have sex, please use a condom and don't let anybody pressure you into it!! If your man doesn't like it, then adios to him. I know that's harsh, but you have to put your well-being first all the time!

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  • Quiblum

    I think you should tell him/her what you are going through right now. First of all, if they are as awesome as you say, then they will definitely understand, and second, that's one less secret.

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  • Downcast7

    I get this alot, with people i dont know. Its like horn dog meets insecurity. And the fact that friends i know are intimate all the time with their lovers......yuck......doesnt help either. Sensitivity is a jerk sometimes. Especially to peeps with big hearts...

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  • karmasAbich

    I was once like this. In fact, sometimes I still get pretty anxious and almost as if there is a pit in my stomach. I think it is insecurities pushing against the flow of things.
    Lately, I've been very sexual though..

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