Is it normal to be terrified of sex at 18 years old?
there have been a few people that i have really liked and one in particular that i love… but whenever i get even close to intimate with this person i get panic attacks and straight away the image of sex pops up in my head and noises, i go all dizzy and i have to ask them to leave.. we have a weird relationship i guess. i have told them a lot of secrets that i haven't told anyone so i guess they understand a bit why i ask them to leave but i feel awful and whenever there gone for a while i think about how i really want to get intimate with them. it's like i get major cold feet and feel really quite ill is that normal? this is a really awesome person i have known for over 3 years now and we care about each other a lot, i thought being open about my issues would be helpful but if anything it gets worse.. i don't want to keep getting close and then have a massive freak out and not be physically able to see them for a while it is the worst cycle and a very tiring battle!