Is it normal to be terrified of surgery?

I'm 22, have never had any surgery before. Haven't gone under local or general anesthetic, but I've had so many nightmares about it... it's simply the fear of the unknown. I've dreamed of waking up during surgery, of having 3/4 of my brain taken out, and it goes on and on...

My pain tolerance is usually pretty good, but I have a feeling my nerves would go into crazy mode if I was to sit on a wheely bed in a hospital, smelling all that hospital equipment, knowing my insides would be bare.. I don't even know what my insides look like...

I'm scared.

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89% Normal
Based on 47 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Normallyabnormal

    I feel the exact same way. I never even considered it until I was told I needed to have emergency surgery by one doctor only to have another tell me I didn't. I spent an hour thinking I was about to go under the knife, having a ginormous panic attack. I've been horrified of it ever since. Just like you it's not the pain I fear it's the unknown or of waking up.

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  • Birds_of_a_Feather

    You're certainly not the only one there. I do not like the concept of surgery at all. I have never had it, but the day I need it is the day I die xD If ever you do have to have it, just try not to think about it too much. I'm sure it's not so bad. You can trust surgeons, they know what they're doing. You just fall asleep and it's done before you know it.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I have a phobia of anything hospital/doctor related. This really scares me. I have scoliosis and I'm worried that I might one day really need surgery for it. What if something happens to me in surgery?! What if my body rejects the rods?! What if I refuse to have surgery?!

    It's normal.

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