Is it normal to be terrified of the dentist?
I am so terrified of going to the dentist! I've never had to get a shot but the thought freaks me out. And all of the picks and the drill? Don't get me started! Is it normal?
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I am so terrified of going to the dentist! I've never had to get a shot but the thought freaks me out. And all of the picks and the drill? Don't get me started! Is it normal?
My second wife had a perfect solution to being hurt by the dentist. After getting comfortable in the chair, when the dentist leaned close to look in her mouth, she'd grab his balls and say, "if you hurt me and I'll sure as hell hurt you!". Kinda made it hard to get a second appointment, but they never hurt her, that's for sure.
My mom works in a dental office and schedules the appointments, and if there is a hole in the schedule, she typically fills the gap with one of my family members. It is such a nasty surprise.
I bring my ipod with me, close my eyes, don't look at any of the instruments, and try to forget or tone down what is going on.
I don't intend going back in a hurry. I had a root canal followed by an abscess that then meant the tooth had to be pulled. The one next to it got broken when I bit into a piece of coconut and a piece lodged into the gum. I later had it filled. It took 6 weeks to recover from the filling then an abscess developed. I am told I need a root canal (oh yes, and how about the cost when I can't work but am not eligible for benefits?). If I had it pulled, that would be a double gap! Even a minor filling took ages to recover from. Anyway, I have recently found out all root canals leak, without exception and leave trapped bacteria that the immune system cannot deal with. This leads to awful illnesses- CFS, arthritis, fibromyalgia and other chronic degeneratve stuff. So I figure leave the tooth and just use immune enhancing stuff- garlic, clove, goldenseal root etc. that was agreed upon because it was expedient for the pharmaceutical industry? Do you know that a dentist legally has to offer treatment and it is always root canal or extraction (for decay beyond fillings)? Wish I'd known all those years back before that first root canal as my health has been below par since.
Do you know, modern dentistry is just a theory
Check out Dr Jon Barron <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
And watch this brilliant video for real dental info:
I told the male dentist I would rather fight him or two guys then have dental work doe. He is good and I feel little pain. You need to explain your feelings of fear or whatever. I love the gas they give you for pain too, great humorous thought and a good trip too while there.
Certainly! I don't go to them anymore because my phobia made it too intense. I would freak out and panic attacks. I'd cry, my gag reflex would go into overdrive and I'd cringe and move away, trying to escape my dentist, while sitting in the chair, when should would attempt to work on me. I was also scared of getting a blood disease because she say patients with diseases like aids and I was so paranoid that I might get it, even though they were reputable, sterilised and change their equipment and we'd always come in early as the first appointments of the day. There were times where one of the dentists would pity me and end the appointment. However her bitch daughter would force me to stay and then she tried to get into my personal business because she was "concerned" about what may have caused my sudden phobia.