Is it normal to be terrified of underwater electrical lighting?

List of lighting that freaks me out:
1. Certain forms of pool lights (Not freaked out by calmly pulsing coloured lights).
2. Submersed ship lights (Especially if the ship is sinking).
3. Light deep under the ocean.
4. Flickering lights under water.

As long as the lights are LEDs or coloured. If they pulse or change colour slowly (RGB LEDs), I find it therapeutic but this does not cure my fear.

Only in large bodies of water, and at night/in the dark.

Even just looking at pictures increases my heart rate and breathing.

Voting Results
68% Normal
Based on 19 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • VirgilManly

    I think bright lights off a boat at night attract things like sharks, giant squid, the Kraken, unknown leviathans from the deep, etc..

    Although maybe you can get a glimpse of them before they drag you under as apposed to just snatching you in the dark.

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    • Neuro42

      It's a justified fear I suppose then, haha.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Many, many yachts now have these underwater lights that are so bright they light up the water for a hundred feet around the boat. I'm guessing you wouldn't like those at all.
    Pool lights kill a significant number of folks, so that's actually a realistic fear.
    If the ship is sinking, I think you've got much bigger problems than the lights underwater, but that's just my opinion.

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    • Neuro42

      I'd be in fear of my life if the ship was sinking lol. But, give me only a picture and I'd start to get spooked just the same.

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