Is it normal to be the only one who cares about grammar?

I'm 23 now, but since I was a young child, I've always sought to be as accurate and precise as possible in regards to spelling, grammar, proper diction, etc. Yet most everyone else on the internet and in life today seems to lack even the most basic grasp on how to write proper English. Not only do others lack the knowledge, but they seem PROUD of their ignorance. Is it normal that I should be the only one concerned with sounding like an idiot when I type?

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70% Normal
Based on 44 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • FlyingSheilds

    Hey, I'd do a hell of a lot for a year of ignorant "bliss"...

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  • Koda

    People try to shame you into thinking that spelling and grammar don't matter, but it's only because they're insecure about their ignorance.

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  • Shnaz

    Meses cares. Me thunk grammar is good. Grammar important in life.people should have readed more.

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  • blaster

    I assume people have the brains to interpret any mistakes that end up in my stuff and enough of a life not to give a damn . I'm way to busy in the real world to worry about a couple of letters in some post on the net , I mean really who gives a f'k !
    It's chill time for me, not to be some hung up boring bastard.

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    • Koda

      Well, some perfectionists actually think spending time perfecting their work, whatever that might be, is fun. They wouldn't send a text without scanning it at least twice for errors. It might seem boring to you, but not putting the effort in would be stressful or frustrating for them, and they wouldn't be able to "chill". I think most "grammar nazis" are probably at least a little OCPD, if not OCD.

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  • tori

    When my kids were in school I would go over their homework. I would point out a grand spelling mistake. I would make them fix it. Know what my kids told me? The teacher doesnt care, if they knew what it meant. The teacher also said they had to deal with the non-speaking english kids first. I was also told this by many teachers on back to school night.

    Our school system sucks. No pride in anything. I have a very low opinion of our schools.

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  • haha, I care a lot about grammar, but I don't correct other people.

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    • Koda

      If you don't correct them, how will they learn? There's always a nice way to correct someone.

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  • FusedWithMuse

    I agree with you with regards to grammar and punctuation etc. I'm not perfect at it but I appreciate it. And I also agree with how many seems to praise ignorance towards it.
    You're normal, my friend - many people share this view!

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  • black127

    I'm very good at math but horrible at grammar and spelling. People r good at wat they need to be good at. The only time u don't like people correcting me is wen Im playin a video game or somtin cause points r meant to be made quickly not grammatically. Also this INN is an app on iPhone which I'm usin now so I'm not to worried about grammar and spelling.

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  • stone_love

    I feel your pain. To most people, language and grammar are just tools needed to communicate and socialize. Most people aren't interested in being able to express themselves more precisely or more colourfully; they just want to get their message across as easily as possible. English has become warped by these people and conventional ways of speaking have changed to suit them. That's the way I see it. To some of us, English is a skill that we intuitively strive to master. We can't help it. Sometimes I feel like the idiot when I'm the only one speaking correctly. Some people just have different systems of value and correct English isn't important to them.

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  • Apollonia

    No. Or at least it should'nt. You'll be juged stupid if you have problems doing basic math operation, right ? It should be the same with basic english grammar. You don't even need to be especially interested in litteracy or languages to reach an acceptable level!

    And, anyway, sooner or later, your lack of skills will bring you problems. Having a resume full of spelling mistakes makes you look careless and not particularly smart. So think twice when you tell yourself "Oh, who cares, I'm not at school !"

    (Oh and english isn't my mother toungue, so you WILL be able to find mistakes here. No exploit here. I'll even be *happy* if you correct me, since it will help me improve my skills in english ! :D)

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    • Ceridwen

      You said you'd be happy to be corrected, so in that case, "should'nt" should be "shouldn't" and "juged" is spelled "judged." "Litteracy" is "literacy." You also don't need a space before !.
      Well, you said you'd be happy <<

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      • Koda


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