Is it normal to be this afraid of spiders?

My house tends to have a lot of spiders :/ I was sitting in my bed and a big spider started crawling across it! I killed it (but it was really fast and took a while) and by the time I got it I was crying and having a full on panic attack. So I took all the bedding off my bed and shook it out and washed it all, vacuumed all around my bed, lifted up my mattress to make sure there weren't more under there... This has happened a couple times before as well.. I feel like I see spiders out of the corner of my eye a lot too, or feel them crawling on me, but they're never there. Is this normal arachnophobia or is this just going too far..?

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 33 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • alv1592

    Normal, I'm exactly the same.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal, I'm terrified of them too! You need a venus flytrap or some other carnivorous plant, but they need to be PROPERLY taken care of! I used to smoosh them with the "swiper" floor mop, it work well for a awhile, but sometime they would avoid it and crawl down the handle! My favourite weapon of choice is febreeze. It may take awhile to kill them, but at least they died smelling fresh.

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  • Thewomanizer

    dont worry, like i mean worry about the spiders but u are deffinately NORMAL! My sister is pretty much exactly the same or even worse like if there's a spider even far away in the corner from her bed she'll ask me to take it away for her. Also she's worse than that if she finds a spider on her bed and looses it she wont sleep in the bed for few nights so yay ur pretty normal if u ask me and million of other spider arachnophobiaists lol

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  • iEatZombies_

    I"m pretty much like that. So to me it's normal.

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  • AssBurgers

    It's normal, you've got arachnophobia, nothing to feel ashamed of.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    You really had a full-on panic attack from this?

    I've had panic attacks before and I'm really familiar with them. Didn't think of fear of spiders could cause so much fear in a human being.

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    • alex1189

      Yeah, but I have anxiety already in general so I suffer from panic attacks kind of often. But almost everytime I have to deal with a spider on my own I have one :/

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  • Devyn

    In the same way that people with a fear of dogs often overcome that by being around a friendly docile dog, you could try to get over your arachnophobia by getting one of these as a pet

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  • Spray around your door and window with spider-spray, as a deterrent. It is made with chrysanthemum flowers so it has a pleasant smell.

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  • oh nasty, the cobalt blue tarantula is only for experienced spider owners, its aggressive and fast and not affectionate like the others, also it hides under the lid waiting for fingers all angry and dripping with venom, not a wise choice for the beginner

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