Is it normal to be this age and scared of my parents?

So, im 22 and never really had a boyfriend. I think it bothers my mum as she thinks im not interested but I am I want to get married and have kids and grow old with someone.
She has pushed me into an older mans arms, or tried 11 years older and the things she said to me to try and scare me were nasty, we are over that and nothing came of it but what she said played in my mind.
My dad just tells me itll happen when its ready when you are least expecting it.
Im happy but im worried about what they are thinking.
They are older parents and don't really get the online thing. Im shy and timid and when I found myself with no friends I went online and I chat to people but I daren't tell my parents, I think my mum knows as she tried upsetting me one day and I blurted it out, and she said if you ever want to meet them then i'll come.
She also told me to try online dating too. Now the point im getting at is I want to meet someone that is online, but Im worried about my parents he lives about an hour away and im just scared. just what they'll say and think about it all and how they'll act. They don't know im talking to him so a few months before we plan to meet ill mention online dating to my parents.
I just find it so hard to talk to my mum and many times ive thought of ditching this guy but weve been chatting for a while and I think hes right for me.

But I worry everyday about getting past the hurdle of my parents.


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Comments ( 6 )
  • Ellenna

    Why are you still living at home and letting your parents control your life?

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  • Fenrirr

    If you're planning on online dating and decide to meet up in real life always bring someone else along in a public place. For all you know they could be seriel killers or kidnappers. Human traffickers get most of their victims from dating sites.

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  • CDmale4fem

    Before you decide in your mind he is the one or right for you, get you female intuition in check and like others said meet in public. There are WAY TO MANY horror stories about these type of hookups and to many times the female goes missing and found later having been raped, beaten, mutilated etc. Dont be in such a hurry to trust someone you know very little about. Your life could depend on it. Now on another note, if your parents scare or frighten you, you could always tell them that I am the guy you want to meet, and see if they can handle you dating a guy that has as much or more lingerie as you, and yes I do wear it, Im a Crossdressing male. Wouldnt that really rash their ass ?

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  • An+on

    Meet somewhere public, and good luck

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  • mysistersshadow

    You shouldn't be even having this problem if you don't like how they treat you move out. Second if you meet someone from online meet in a public place that you are familiar with during the day time. If possible have a friend that is nearby in the cafe or where ever you meet that can keep watch from a respectable distance. There are also apps you can get for your phone like that make it easier for you to get help or you can just have a friend call or text you at a certain time and you can use keywords that don't sound like Help I'm with a Maniac! so you can get help if things are going wrong.

    Most of all tho your a grown up start acting like one.

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  • Conrad666

    My older sister sorta went through the same thing, although i think it would help to meet him alone first, like you're 22 and your parents can't stop you from going out... So meet up, see if there is chemistry in person as it's very different talking in person and online, if you feel it could go somewhere you just gotta go for it when introducing him, parents will often scare you as they think that everyone out there is bad for you, but when it happens in person, 99% of the time it won't be as bad as you're imagining it... Even tell your dad and ask him not to tell your mum (my parents are split so that would be easier for my sister but is still an option).
    Hope this helps, and good luck :)

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