Is it normal to be this paranoid?

Is it normal to be this paranoid?
I cant give my personal information to anyone.
Well, mostly people online. i feel a little skeptical about giving my email to strangers, especially my phone number or any other form of contact information.

i was on this question/answer website, and many guys have wanted me to talk to them through skype, or text them, or even for me to give them my email, but i just cant. I dont feel safe. i dont like meeting people online either. i just feel so paranoid about it. i see other people on the site be comfortable with doing that but im not.

At school, ive exchanged contact information with my classmates and i dont have a problem with that. I guess because i see them everyday.

so am i right to be skeptical about giving out my contact information, or am i just being paranoid?

Voting Results
91% Normal
Based on 55 votes (50 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Redcoats

    Never give your details out online. You don't know who you're giving them to.

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  • Listen to "TooManyParanoia"by DEVO.

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  • Airstream3333

    Totallt normal, smart, safe lady!

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  • dappled

    It's probably better to be overly cautious than unsafe. There are some things that you don't really need to worry about, though. Email address (as long as it can't be used to identify you) is one of them. And mobile phone number is another (as long as you aren't being stalked by someone who works for the phone company).

    I was actually called out on this by a user on this site and to prove the point, I posted my mobile phone number publicly. It's probably still on the site somewhere. The upshot, though, was that nothing bad happened. In fact, nothing at all happened. And if it had, I'd have either ignored it, or just changed number. Having said that, I'm still going off to search for it and delete it now.

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  • bananaface

    I don't think you're being extremely paranoid, it just sounds like you're being cautious to me. Unless I feel like I can trust the person, I don't give personal information out online either. The only times I have done it were completely accidental, but I'm not worried:).

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