Is it normal to be this scared of sharks?

I've always had a somewhat fear of sharks but, when I went to Florida a couple years ago my fear became more intense because of a shark warning at a beach I happened to be swimming at. Even since then really I get scared in any body of water thinking there is a shark in it. Freshwater lakes, which is impossible cause sharks can only survive in salt water. Or even pools without people in them I get scared and start thinking about sharks. I try to not think about it but when Im in the water I immediately start imagining a shark behind me and I go into panic mode and have to get out of the water. Its rather embarrassing but, i can't seem to prevent it no matter what I do.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • LaMer

    I think a fear of sharks on some level is pretty normal but it seems like yours has turned into a phobia. You may want to see a professional about it since it's causing you so much distress.

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  • QWERT2

    Sharks are dangerous, but they aren't as dangerous as the media and other make them out to be. I personally love sharks, and think they are amazing creatures but at the same time I fear them as they are dangerous animals. However your fear of sharks seems to be irrational, so I would consult someone about this and try to get some therapy as it is clearly disrupting your life.

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  • iintolovethissite

    Wher I live a guy was killed by a great white whilst swimming t the bech prett HxC tbh
    The cops shot it pow pow and it died bu yeah true story sharks kill people :) nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom

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  • patriot071592

    Sharks really aren't that bad. Movies about sharks are over exaggerated. There's nothing to be afraid of, especially in lakes and swimming pools, sharks can't live there :) It's normal to not want to go in the ocean or a river (yes, Bull Sharks can live in freshwater rivers), but lakes and pools are absent of sharks.

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    • iintolovethissite

      Not if I was to put a shark in the pool or lake :)

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  • GeneralFelix

    I have exactly this phobia, though I have managed to somewhat over come it. I have it as result of watching too many David Attenborough marine wildlife documentaties around the age of five lol.

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  • Oodlienoodlie

    Sharks are actually not as vicious as people think. I believe only six people die annually from shark attacks. That's less than high school football or vending machine related deaths. Also, a shark won't attack unless its angry at you, smells blood, or you can easily be mistaken for a manatee.

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    • Darkoil

      Your comparison sucks ass, more people play football and use vending machines then come into contact with sharks.

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      • Oodlienoodlie

        Okay, how many people have you seen die from a vending machine?

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    • GeneralFelix

      I know, they they are more like sea dogs than monsters. They're just curious and most attacks are accidental. From below, surfers lying on their board ressemble seals. Still for some reason I'm terrified of them...

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  • Darkoil

    This reminded me that I had a dream last night where a shark was trying to attack me and I started twating it in the face until it fucked off.

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  • SangoNyappy

    I' usually scared of sharks only when I'm diving because for me it would me much scarier swimming under water and than seeing it's huge teeth smiling at me but I'm not scared when I'm just swimming.

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  • mokester

    Just as a side point... Most sharks can survive in fresh water... look it up.

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    • j-u-s-t-i-c-e


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  • Terence_the_viking

    Jaws was a scary film when i was a kid.

    Now i just point and laugh.

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  • crass

    I used to be afraid of hot tubs for that exact same reason. As if sharks or eels were going to suddenly swim out from the jets and feed off my wrinkled body

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