Is it normal to be this terrified of being alone in a room?

Whenever I go into any room, my heartbeat speeds, I have to glance behind me every few seconds, and literally the smallest things or bits of motion that I MIGHT have seen startle me. At that point, I usually end up darting out of the room and back into a room full of other people; then I gradually get fine and can forget about it.

However, if I have to stay alone in a room for an extended amount of time, like more than 5 minutes, the terror gets worse to the point where I end up crying, shivering, and immobile. Whenever that happens, it feels almost like my mind is back to normal, because I end up thinking things like "Okay, now you're just doing this for show. STOP IT, and get back to what you were doing. This is ridiculous!" Because, it seems like in my head, I'm not nearly as afraid as my body is. And no matter how much I tell myself to stop or how much I try to get back to normal, I always end up either half-hunched over (as if protecting myself from something), curled into a ball on the floor, or back pressed flat against the wall until somebody finds me.

It's gotten to the point that I can't do ANYTHING alone. I need to sleep in the same room as my sister, and, embarrassing as it is, I need to have her in the same room when I take a shower, even though I force her to look the opposite direction. My own bedroom is pretty much unused anymore, as well. It's getting to the point where it's intruding into my life and it's REALLY irritating.

Please say I'm not the only one this happens to...?

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41% Normal
Based on 82 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Hello all. It's been 9 years since I've posted this, and I just wanted to say that I've been totally over this for quite some time now. After some time, I gradually got more and more used to being alone until my life became comparatively normal. If anyone else struggles with this I just want you to know that it does get better. Have patience. When you want to be alone, you will learn to be. It's okay.

    I'm not hampered by that anymore.

    I think at the time I was traumatized by some things I was looking up at the time--a quick heads up, don't purposely do that??? Being stuck with curiosity is better than trauma.

    When I posted here, I knew it wasn't normal; I was asking for a help only I could have provided myself. I know that now. I've learned so much.

    I'm happy now.

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  • blondbond69

    I get this too

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  • jolly

    what are you afraid of?
    just being alone in a room or
    for something like ghost??

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  • n-dublet

    Lolz it's normal , probably just coz u are alone and u don't know what's around u , and I'd there was anything bad u would have no protection just self defence , if u get what I mean :)

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  • Truth_teller

    Its anxiety disorder

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  • Unicron

    I'm a bit like that if I've watched or read something scary, but to be like that naturaly isn't normal..
    Maybe some sort of trauma?

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  • joybird

    I think you need hynosis to cure this anxiety and you can probably thank your parents for playing 'boo' with you when you were young. We teach children to be afraid of empty rooms by playing little 'tricks' like this on them.


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  • NotNearNormal

    If the room is dark I have the same problem.. But that sounds like a completely different subject

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  • iEatZombies_

    You have a type of anxiety disorder. A little different from a phobia persae. It probably is like a lot of anxiety disorders, but harder to evade because you have to face it, making it seem worse than 'normal' anxiety.

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  • GlassDarkly31

    I don't think that being afraid is normal. I don't care what people say. Want nothing and you'll need nothing. Fear is born of desire. Desire nothing. Fear nothing.

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  • LongStoryShort

    Hmmm it sounds like you have a serious phobia. I won't say that it is normal, but it is not completely abnormal to have a phobia. I know sometimes when I'm in a dark room by myself I tend to freak out a bit.. What exactly is it that you are afraid of when you are alone? Just the fact that you're alone or something else?

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