Is it normal to be unsure about religion?
Is it normal to want to believe in a particular religion, but you feel that sometimes it just doesn't quite make sense? Even go as far to say that you would rather believe in a fantasy, like you feel so pressed and beaten down with religion, especially those with a strict parent in the ministry, even though you know there is some good advice there. It's just that you have already known the doctrines for years, and had it beaten into your head so many times that you feel like there is no point to hearing it again. Like maybe the spiritual doesn't quite work the way you think, like what you want isn't some ritual, but an inspirational, divine guidance that is practical to your life, or either you just want to not worry about it so much. Life is short, maybe religion helps me feel a healthy dose of urgency, even though it mostly makes me feel anxiety, even though I've tried to do right and go by the principles all along. Does anyone else feel this way? Please tell me as much about your experience as you can without revealing your specific religion.