Is it normal to be unsure of my own religion ??

sometimes im not sure of my religion , i feel like this is not the right way for me , and there is something missing , and i cant change it becouse i dont think any of my relatives will understand me ..
so do i change it ?
or forget about it ?

find another religion 12
ask someone you know 5
just forget about it 8
try to understand your religion some more 17
no its not normal 1
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Comments ( 24 )
  • (.)(.)boobies

    I didn't select any of your options because none of them fit well with what I think. Maybe you should take from it only what you feel is right. It doesn't seem right to let others tell you what you should or shouldn't believe spiritually, whether they are from your religious sect or from skeptics.

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    • (.)(.)boobies

      I returned to this comments to let you know that I'm atheist but I still believe it's important to respect everyone's individual beliefs, including those I don't agree with.

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  • Religion is unnecessary. Personally I do not like organized religion. I think it controls and brain washes people.

    I do however have certain spiritual beliefs. Nobody told me to think them and I only think they are likely because of my own experiences which were not influenced by other people.

    When you think about organized religion logically, it doesn't really make much sense.

    Why do so many people think one of them has to be the right one?

    Why is the majority of the world following what they are told.

    It's great to have ideas but come up with them on your own.

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  • thr

    Do what fits your situation. If no one will understand, keep it to yourself.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You would find your life so much more pleasant and inspirational if you gave up your religion completely. Religion is only a system for controlling the masses, relieving people of the responsibility for their actions and decisions.
    I find it completely unfathomable that with all the horrors in the world today, any intelligent person could actually believe that there was an all powerful being, who would allow these horrors, unless it was a mean, malicious and down right terrible being.
    More humans have died in the name of "god" than for any other (perhaps ALL others) reason. Religion is truly the most terrible invention man has devised.

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    • ferra

      sometimes i feel that this is right , but then i feel empty .. Lost
      And that i have no one to lain on
      So i prefer to believe in god than believing in nothing
      Thanks for your help 

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  • LyeByMistake

    Its normal because religion is bullshit, it manipulates people into thinking with their feelings not with logic.

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    • littlewings324

      I'm very sorry for you that you had an experience with a religion that you disagreed with, or that you grew up in late-1800s europe, or whatever happened that you think religion is trying to manipulate/brainwash us.
      I am not extremely religious, but I go to church most sundays. Most of the teachings make sense (having good virtues and being kind and stuff). Sometimes they talk about something that I think is not true. How do I solve this horrible problem?
      I THINK FOR MYSELF. And I decide I don't beleive that. And then I listen to what else is being said.
      However, I do think it's stupid that churches/religions often want loyalty so much, so I think if OP feels out of place they should change to a sect that suits them.

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      • Curiosity-Insanity

        I agree with you. I mean some of the parts I understand and support Like being Kind,Caring, etc but most of is horrible like killing disbelievers, Inequality, Gender roles but for generations all of my family have been this religon and for me to break that, My family would NOT like that AT ALL. I did try to talk about it to my sister but it went horribly wrong. If there's parts you don't like then that's fine, Don't do them and stick with your gut. At the end of the day It's your body, you're allowed to think what you think xoxo

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      • LyeByMistake

        Its peoples inability to look at small details because they think they are seeing a bigger picture for ex. In the bible An all powerfilled being has created a universe instantly and rested on the 7th day with earth, its because people thought stars were holes in heaven, logic = ?

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        • littlewings324

          Well obviously nobody (except for weird Bible fanatics) believes the whole 7 days thing. It's written that way, but at this point I don't think any religion is actually trying to convince people of that. In ancient times, before real science, religion served as science and religious texts were regarded as textbooks. But since then, religion has been taken off its pedestal. Now it only teaches moral lessons, not scientific ones.

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          • LyeByMistake

            Lol? Yeah people do.

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            • littlewings324

              well some people believe in Santa Claus and unicorns and Bigfoot. Is that ridiculous? Yes. Were their parents/fairy tales trying to convince them of things to control them? No. Did they choose to believe these things? Yes. Sometimes people having stupid, illogical ideas is their own fault.

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  • clevelandashkenaziatheist

    Beliefs should be justified. There is no evidence that a God exists, therefore the belief in it is unjustified. Atheism is the default belief, as it makes no claims. It's the scientific method. Theists make a claim that a god exists. They have no evidence. Therefore I reject their claim.

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    • ferra

      Will i cant agree with that becouse i know there is god who created us , our world and everything else , we cant be here for nothing , becouse if there is no god then what im searching for , so can i do whatever i want without being punished ??

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      • clevelandashkenaziatheist

        Knowledge can't just be asserted. It must be demonstrated. We're not here for nothing, as self-aware beings, we are here to undertake the many paths that can create a better world to exist in. This is a great meaning to look for, I feel, as it doesn't leave it to an unproven deity to create meaning, but creates meaning in yourself.
        Secular morality is important to understand as well, atheists are statistically much less likely to be criminals. This is because the golden rule works without a deity backing it up. The Enlightenment ideals modern governments are built on are built on this principle, creating the more fair and influential legal systems. Additionally, it is secular morality that has advanced civil rights in the face of a biblical background that opposes woman's rights and gay rights.

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  • Holzman_67

    Totally normal to struggle with faith, value, ideas. It's part of our individual evolution.

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  • ferra

    First of all thanks for your comments i read them all
    Second i know there is a god
    somewhere but the problem is that i just dont know where to find him
    And i cant search for him or lets say i cant search for the right rilegion , and thats becouse of my parents , im sure if i even talked about changing into other rilegion the least thing they will do is beating me up into bulp , thats why im searching for it using the net ,
    So whats do you think is the best rilegion , and can i keep it a secret from my parents !!?

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    • Curiosity-Insanity

      I think that you are religous you believe in god and everything but maybe not the type of god you're believing in right now. I would suggest talking to a friend about it as Family would be extremely Biased (Unfair/onesided opinion) Plus they would try to change your mind. Your family sound just like me to be honest. They probably won't understand. Only talk when you're sure you don't fit in the religon. There's lots of other religons, look it up and find which fits you right. At the end of the day it's your decision. Keep me updated in what happens xoxo

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    • Hamid37USA

      You will join my religion. To inicheate we must chop off of big toe and grind into dust which we snort in honor of giant crab of death. You then get option of wife from market who you will be privilege to sacrifice to genie for wish to join religion.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    They behave that way because they are so convinced that their religion is correct that they believe that you are being irrational or unintelligent in the course of your questioning or skepticism. Whether or not their religion is right and they are right is not for me to say.

    What I will tell you, from years of experience in the journey of my spirituality in which I have gone from agnostic to Mormon and elsewhere in the course of studying and digging into many religions - there are MANY people who feel like you. It is extremely common to want to believe in something but not feel it in your heart.

    Don't make the mistake of thinking that your one denomination of Christianity is the only possibility in the realm of true religion. There are many other denominations and religions and it is not necessary to fit neatly into one category in order to be faithful, spiritual and so on. You have your entire life to commit to a church or other religious institution so get out, research, experiment and don't be hard on yourself.

    No matter what church you go to or religion you follow, if you decide to follow a religion AT ALL, if you end up there and you have the faith, they will tell you that the faith you have now is better than the half-hearted faith you had then and that God, the universe, etc. intended for you to go on that journey. If you go back to the same church, then your faith will only make you a stronger believer.

    And if you search your heart and mind and find that you don't feel that there is a God at all, you will be comfortable in that assumption. For some people, faith or lack thereof comes easy and for others, soul-searching is required.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Find yourself. There is nothing any god or deity can do for a man that he can't do for himself.

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  • orinoco

    Do not forget that there is a force in this world which has a vivid interest that you lose your religious convictions. Isn't scientific research much more reliable than faith? Come, let us adore our own rationality...

    Replacing a non-understandable god who does not prevent horrid things in the world (and hence is obviously much more stupid than we would be in his place) by a god who acts rationally, logically, just reasonably in our understanding, in short: by our own brain, isn't that the solution? Science will certainly soon prove that nobody else than we ourselves are the creators of our own mental capacities. Well done.

    By the way, I am - a scientist.

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