Is it normal to be upset by recreational fishing?

Maybe it's because I've always had pet fish. But I do NOT get how people just go out, trick an animal into snaring itself on a jagged hook, pull it in as it desperately fights to be free, toss it on the floor and watch it slowly suffocate to death. For fun. Especially people who go on expeditions to catch these huge, majestic fish and sharks and hold them up as trophies! To me it seems no different than going out and shooting a tiger just to be like "yeaaahh I killed I tiger, i'm such a badassss, fuck you nature!!" ..They're amazing animals.

And perfectly normal, otherwise-empathetic people do it. I don't get that people can be animal rights advocates, but for some reason fishing doesn't seem wrong to them.

So who else feels this way??

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58% Normal
Based on 48 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • RyWolf

    I fish all the time, I catch and release my fish except trout, I love having trout for dinner. Just being out in the wilderness in mother mature helps me cleanse. The only fish I intentionally kill are the fish that are invasive, most of our native fish are dying because of invasive species.

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  • I'm the same, I hate fishing ¬¬
    I'm sad when the big fishing boats haul in the nets with hundreds of fish, throwing them down the chutes or throwing them back in the ocean dead or dying.
    I always get a bit upset when they catch lobsters, crabs and the like, I really love lobsters.

    Of course, what you're talking about, it is much worse when they're not catching them to eat, but just as some kind of trophy or for fun. I could never do something that caused an animal to be in pain or killed for the sake of fun.

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  • GuessWho

    I don't have anything against fishing and sometimes even take part myself.
    It's just not fun.
    There are many better ways to waste time than wait for a fish to take your bait just to pull it out of the water and put it back.

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  • Ennue

    If I didn't have any morals whatsoever I'd probably kill animals for fun. I'm the kind of person who watches piranhas eat live frogs on youtube. Even so, I perfectly understand why you would be upset with something like that... Mmmm fish sticks...

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  • roothead1

    I fish and hunt all of the time. Screw you anti hunters! You're a bunch of softies is all. Hunting and fishing has been in our blood for thousands of years, why stop now?

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Lawl, that's nice. People have to eat too you know.

    Agree that trophy hunting is fucking retarded. Humans have too much pride for their own good.

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  • pooooopie

    Wooohooo!!! Totally agree. Vegetarians unite!!!

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  • dappled

    My friends all fish and I have always refused to have anything to do with it. Although I'm a vegetarian, my problem isn't with killing animals to eat them, it's with killing them for sport. If you're going to deprive something of a life, at least make it for a good reason.

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    • I fish for vegetarians.

      I dangle carrots from fishing poles in front of their faces and when they bite I reel them in.

      I tie them up, dress them in funny clothes and read them dirty stories.

      Wicked fun.

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      • howaminotmyself

        I didn't think the clothes were all that funny. And the knots were kind of loose.

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        • But you must admit the stories were very dirty.

          Next time I'll use the handcuffs.

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  • Cobrakitnu

    I agree completely. My dad loves fishing unfortunately, and I'm sure you know where I'm going with this..

    I once took the fish that he caught that day and brought them to a nearby lake. He hides them now.

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    • Tisgranum


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  • georgienne

    That's how I feel about hunting in general.
    People go out and go all 'macho man' on nature by shooting from a mile away. Just shows how scared people are of nature.
    If you want to experience nature and participating in the 'food chain', get out there and fight face-to-face like the other predators do.
    Hunting is wimpish, if anything.

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