Is it normal to be very afraid of dying?

Im really afraid of dying... it feels like everyone one else doesn't see the world like I do. You only live once so what is the point of living. Its like beating a videogame (life) and then having all your data being erased. I wish I could live forever because I feel so depressed that I feel like I want to end my one and only life..... please help me you guys.

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84% Normal
Based on 69 votes (58 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • assdfghjkl

    It is normal to be afraid of dying. It is unhealthy to dwell upon the fear constantly ~ like I do. :(

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  • Ono

    'You only live once, so what is the point of living'. I never understand this logic. It's not a dress rehearsal. You get the one chance and that's it. Make the most of it.

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  • DaFuq?

    You is gonna die anyway so live your life to the fullest. AWWW YEEAAAHHH

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  • juniperlei

    i dont remember where but they did a poll and found the top two fears where the fear of talking infront of large crowds and the fear of dieing no one wants to be forgotten no one wants to die
    when i was younger i thought of suicide i was depressed and lonely then my sister tried to kill herself 3 times and my other sister tried to kill herself i relized if i killed myself it would be like saying my family wasnt good enough for me to want to live my friends wherent good enough for me to want to live i would leave them with guilt and heartache because that is what felt when my sister tried to kill herself

    and i dont want anyone i care about to suffer the heartache of almost losing someone very close to them i still have spots where i am very depressed but i try not to think on the bad and when some negative thought about myself pops in my head i think of all the good things and i try not to dewel on the bad

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  • Xylo

    Fear of Dying,Fear of Death.We fear death because we dont understand it, we knew its impossible to understand it.It is beyond our reach of knowledge.

    As you said, you could only live your life once.Everybody understands that you could only live once, but have you ever thought that if you can have power to lives forever, would you be happy?Would you not get depressed?

    Regardless if you believe in afterlife, rebirth, heaven and hell. We cant navigate away from our final destination, its impossible to stop or have a U-turn.Life is a straight line, there might be twist and turns, high and low its what make everybodies life special isnt it?

    However, what you can do now is to continue walking,use your life to the fullest, to the maximum you can go.Stop being persismistic and cherish everything you get. Get back up when you fell down and continue walking.Soar like the eagle to the limitless blue sky. You and only could colour the chapters of your life.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Written by: Xylo

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  • Anonymous_Dude

    I've heard that one lots of times. "What's the point of living, if you're gonna die anyway". That's the stupiest question I've ever heard. Ever. Look, this one's better: "If you're never gonna die, then what's the point of living?". Let me tell you, there is no, and I repeat, there is NO point of living a life where you'll never die. Make the best out of your short, yet so valuable life, and when you finally lie on your deathbed, and look back on those wonderful memories of your wonderful life, you'll smile and say to yourself, "I'm so glad I decided to live my life, and not let it go to waste.". Life is the most presious and valuable thing you'll ever have. And you'll have it only once. So please, just please, don't throw your life away for nothing. Live life to its fullest! You won't regret it, I promise. Oh, and as an answer to your question, yes, it is unfortunately very normal. Too normal. Good luck.

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  • Lover246

    I'm so scared of that when I lay in bed I worry I wont wake up and I never want to be gone we will be off earth but we will go to heaven so don't worry that's what I think of

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  • lila13a

    In my viewpoint it's normal. Not the depression stuff, though. Talk to someone about that. But being deathly afraid of death (no pun intended) is completely normal. I'm not afraid of death itself, I'm afraid of drowning. It scares me so badly. Ever after I watched a trailer for a movie a few months ago when a bridge collapsed and everyone drowned I've been kind of scared of bridges... Yeah, I can imagine drowning, not being able to breathe, and fighting for it, knowing that soon your time will come to an end... eek, stop thinking about it. Yes, it's very normal to be afraid of dying, but, like I said earlier, talk to someone about the depression you're experiencing.

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  • Wierdmyself

    ... This of this... we never really die. We're just unmade and remade. It's the chemistry of the world.

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  • i'mrickjamesbitch

    i agree with dafuq, you only get one life, so why waste it worrying about dying? that's like being in a race, and instead of running and winning, stopping midway debating what'll happen when you do finish.

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  • skullcrusherjoker

    Live life to fullest and fear nothin or die in corner fearing death

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  • skullcrusherjoker

    Live life

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  • RoyalKnight

    It's normal to be afraid of dying but I wouldn't worry about it too much honestly. It's just an unavoidable reality that all of us have to face. Make good use of the time you have and don't stress over it. Lead a good life, fulfill yourself and be happy.

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  • zchristian

    I belive in a kind of after life because we are alive now that makes me fear death less but it is incredibly normal to fear death.

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  • karmasAbich

    Don't look at it as your one and only life.
    This is how religion started.
    You will have an after life or reincarnation. Whatever you choose. just put all of your heart into that belief, you won't be scared you will be thrilled. When your laying in your death bed you will be at peace. Your heart and mind will see what its believed all those years. Don't end your life, then the nice suprise might not be there. I know where your at, just open your mind to some sort of faith. I've been where you are, in fact I'm still working my way out of it. But it won't be bad. :)

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  • That_Dude999

    I hate to bring it to you, but you might want to check if you have depressions.
    This sounds far fetched, but the "angst" of dying seems to be a very common first sympton of depression.
    Please do not use this as a make-believe-disease, for it is a serious issue!
    Depression CAN be cured but it is a long path there.
    I myself suffer from depressions and also have a constant fear of death, unfortunately, this cannot be solved as easy as "Religion". Eventually you will convince yourself of the ultimate end, the final frontier: death! Religion is just too much of a fairy tale to over much security.
    It is a sad fact, that people like us, who spend our time pondering over such fatal and ultimate things such as dying will never fully conquer this fear, how would we?
    But there is some help that I could offer.But remember: Just because it did help me, you need to find out yourself if it will work for you.
    1st) Many great figures of history had the same fear: Ceasar and Churchill are just two examples.
    2nd) A fear this grave will keep you on your tiptoes, allow you to judge situations others would disregard more calmly. An attribute you should make use of.
    3rd) Every little victory over this curse is a victory all together, keep fighting it and you will emerge more strong afterwards. Forgive me the irony but: What does not kill you, only makes you stronger.
    4th) This fear cannot consume you and if I am right with my assumptions you will try everything to keep you away from this. Get yourself as many as possible hobbies. Occupying yourself helps for certain. Always do what you love to the fullest extend.

    As I mentioned before, in the end, there is no bullet proof solution to this menace, but only with time will come the answer.
    My father has also depressions and told me, that when he was my age, he went through some rough things aswell, also being scared of death. He then explained that with age came more understanding and the fear faded away.
    There is hope.

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