Is it normal to be very afraid of the illumanati or new world order?

I came across this site online (New Order World) and it talks about the secret knowledge from the Illuminati being revealed to the world. I have always been scared of the Illuminati since hearing about them. What do you think of this site? Is it normal?

That NOW site is BS 46
That NOW site can save the world 12
Am Unsure about it. Can go either way. 15
NOW site makes sense but am not sure how it'll help the world 11
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Comments ( 14 )
  • DangerousPotatoGuy

    I hate to say it but whenever I see those words I always think it has something to do with a Crazy muslim plot to brainwash people

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    • purpledragon46

      Maybe thats because it does brainwash you into following satans ways. Its enters your subconcious thru tv,symbols,shows,music. Its everywhere. In the end we will all go to hell for eternity because of them :( on the day of judgement you willl believe me

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  • GreyWulfen

    Why Do You Write Everything In Capital Letters?

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    • .....The person done it once with the "New World Order", and the "NOW" is in capitals as it is the initials of "New order world".

      ...I'm not seeing what you're seeing here.

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      • GreyWulfen

        I was referring to the title.

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  • annabell

    Most people who believe that the Illuminati exist also believe in god.

    A NWO is about as likely as a zombie apocalypse.

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  • anti-hero

    No need to be afraid. We... I mean they are not real. *shifty eyes*

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  • Wuggums47

    It's not normal to be afraid of a conspiracy theory. If you added a who gives a shit option I would have picked that.

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  • BunFun

    What we need to fear is Pinky and The Brain

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  • crion

    I could go on for hours about why the "new world order" is baloney. Rather than go to that effort, I'll offer a logical assertion:

    If they're so all-knowing, far-reaching, wealthy, influential, and powerful, why are all the people ranting and raving about them not dead, shamed, or discredited? Hell, why aren't even *some* of them turning up dead or disappearing?

    These NWO movements are dangerous; all it takes is one unstable, down-on-his-luck lunatic to read that crap and think he can save the world by shooting the president or some random recording artist or CEO or senator or anything else these nuts like to point at, and you've got the next Kennedy assassination (which, of course, would be wrongfully attributed to the NWO to fuel their own paranoia, thus completing the circle.

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  • lolol555

    I can't be bothered with it. To me it seems like lowest form of smearing people currently smack on artists these days.

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  • Voray

    The Illuminati doesn't exist. At least not anymore. Think about it. Why would a high society include rappers (many believe their in the Illuminati)and not members of MENSA? MENSA people are smarter than rappers.

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    • Money. You don't need to be intelligent to bring in the most amount of money.

      P.s, I am not the post maker.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    There are enough things to fear in the world that we can all agree exist. So the question is not wether the Illuminati are real or paranoid bulls**t, but wether you choose to live in fear or not. Fear is control. So no matter who it is that wants to controll you - If you don't want to be a slave don't be afraid.

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