Is it normal to be very scared of holes and sewers

Maybe its because of that my grandma used to tell my that holes are scary, I am very afraid of holes.
I am kind of scared of it no matter if its on the gound, on a wall, weather it is like a tunnel, a tube, AC air tunnels, and especially the sewers at the pool, I am terrified by it

I am afraid that those holes are going to suck me in, or something's going to pop out of it and grab me in

For the small holes, I am not afraid of very small holes like finger tip sized ones, but I am afraid of it when it is a cluster of small holes, different in size, it makes me feel gross

For the big holes, especially those with wind and water in it, like the AC tunnel, the ones in underground parking lots, and the sewers at the bottom of the deeper side of the pool.
I am so scared of it that when I am walking in an underground parking lot, I imagine myself getting sucked into those big noisy windy tunnels, and I shiver. And also when I swim to the deep side of the pool where the big square sewer is, I feel like it is going to open all of a sudden and I will get sucked in with the water. I swim extra fast past it and swims back to the shallow part as fast as I can.

I'm also scared of toilets, especially the ones that flushes really fast and strong and make a sudden and big noise. same I imagine myself being sucked into this dark hole and into this dark tunnel and into nowhere....

Anyone else afraid of dark holes and tunnels and sewers and toilets? IIN?

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54% Normal
Based on 37 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • GuessWho

    Anyone else think of OP using an airplane toilet?

    By the way, OP, Have you ever seen how fast and hard a suction-powered airplane toilet swallows the stuff in the bowl?
    There's even a myth that if you flush while still sitting, you'll get stuck.

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    • Brokenpebbles

      Seriously, not funny.

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  • Kawaiikirin

    Your fear of clusters of small holes is called trypophobia. I have it too. I don't really think that's it's considered 'normal' but there isn't anything wrong with it. I cry when I see some sorts of patterns sometimes. I can't stand to look at a tree if it's been attacked by woodpeckers. I cant look at the paint on the wall for very long. Carpets disgust me.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I don't like hole as you never know what could inside lurking in them.

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  • Justsomejerk

    No but I enjoyed your story. Your writing is very descriptive and I could picture you in all of those situations.

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