Is it normal to be very, very obsessed with pt cruiser cars?

I have my wall covered with pictures of PT Cruisers (a type of car, if you're wondering), I have over 100 miniature PT Cruisers, I have over 3,000 (three thousand) pictures of PT Cruisers I have taken, I often watch PT Cruiser commercials when I wake up, I have a speaker to listen to the words "PT Cruiser" LOUDLY at night when I go to bed, I have written three essays on PT Cruisers, I wrote 2 songs about them, I once had a vision where the Pope bought me a PT Cruiser and I lived in it, I write PT CRUISER on tissues, paper towels, paper, etc. all day, when I go to the library the librarian always tells me if there's any new books involving PT Cruisers, I keep a log of where I spot PT Cruisers & have a map on my wall with pins in it, & lastly, I sleep in a PT Cruiser sometimes.

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17% Normal
Based on 35 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • bigfatdick4

    I actually test drove a PT Cruiser (candy apple red) and I must say it was the biggest disappointment of my entire adult life!

    The car has a very appealing look to it but drives like a log of shit in a toilet bowl!

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    • Legion

      The biggest problem there was, they basically took the drivtrain out a Dodge Neon, and placed it in a larger car. They should have used at least a Dodge Intrepid/Stratus drivetrain, for a sedan, an Intrepid with a 3.5l v6 is a surprisingly sporty car, fun to wind down a somewhat twisty road at 70 mph. (Unlike my truck, lol) that would definitely have made the PT Cruiser a more fun car.

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  • ptcruiser

    Today I saw the following:

    2007 PT Cruiser, teal (#14 most common color) 18820
    PT Cruiser, red (#3) 18821
    PT Cruiser, red #3) 18822
    PT Cruiser, cream white, wood exterior, rounded, 18823 (#5)
    PT Cruiser, electric blue 18824 (#1)
    PT Cruiser, orange 18825 (#11)
    PT Cruiser, cream white 18826 (#5)
    PT Cruiser, white 18827 (#1)
    PT Cruiser, electric blue 18828 (#1)

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  • dirtybirdy

    Good gracious, those things are hideous.

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  • bittermayonnaise

    There shit.

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  • glennquagmire

    I think I just threw up a little. They are ugly as f**k!

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  • Waterflux

    Hell, no! You need a psychologist!

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  • Legion

    I wouldn't say that level of obsession is necessarily normal, but liking a particular type of car is nothing to be ashamed about, even if it's one a bit out of the mainstream.

    Personally, I'm a bit of a fan of Chrysler and Imperial cars of the 60s- early 1980s, especially the 1970 Chrysler 300 Hurst Edition. I currently have an Imperial coupe. I like seeing people with uncommon cars at car shows, and as much as I like old school Muscle cars like Dodge Chargers and Plymouth Cudas (like my boss's bitchin 1971 cuda), I tend to be more drawn to someone with a less common car, like a custom van, or someone with a Ford Granada that looks almost new, or perhaps a Crowley Hotshot, or a Pontiac Granville convertible, even an AMC Pacer! There is something interesting about seeing a car you would not expect to see around anymore, much less seeing one in nice enough shape for the owner to show it off!

    I admit I used to be a bit "too obsessed" with cars myself, my neighbor growing up had (and still has) a massive yard of them, literally hundreds spanning about 20 acres! I always love seeing the place!

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  • heckleBucker

    Geo Metros, forever dude. They were a monolith of engineering achievement.

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  • Fugazi,again

    I have the same thing with the renault scenic

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  • ptcruiser

    I am not joking or trolling, I promise.

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