Is it normal to be worried

iv been with my wife over 3o years . we had our ups and downs but iv noticed that our very rarely sex is making love for me .but for her its a chore so i dont get annoyed . she slso has to be drunk . the thougjts i have is she does it so i just keep providing and fiance her . all our children are grown up .we use to have loving relationship . i just feel now she only does it to keep bout ssiling which id rather she be honest and notdo it if thats the reason .

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Comments ( 1 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Unfortunately, all to common.

    I suggest that you get 2 copies of: "The 5 love Languages" by Gary Chapman. 1 for you and 1 for her.

    This book is actually going to explain the most likely reason that your situation has developed (about 85% of cases); and how to fix things.

    If you both read it and apply it things will very likely get better.

    I wish you well with this,

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