Is it normal to be worried

i married young after i had a child young .to be honest he is a great man . gave me a great home and we have 4 children all grown up now . but i have a dark secret thats come back now to haunt me . when i was 23 i got bored with life i had and my husband out working morning .noon n night .and i out one nigjt with friends i met a guy . totally to my husband . as in he was a thug into bad things like crime and drugs but at that age sermed more exciting . i had affair with him and i got pregnant . soon after he was put away in prison so my problem dissappeared and i went back to my life and my husband never knew a thing . i never heard a thing agsin . that was nearly 30 years ago .the shame iv carried and guilt never go awsy especially to the wonderful
husband n father . but last month i got letter .saying who it was and that he wants to meet his son before he dies . i feel like killing myself . the hurt it cause my husband and son .

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Comments ( 3 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Space before period and space after period. Just like the cheating wife guy. Hmmmmm

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      its obv the same person writin this shit every day about the cheatin and the heartbreak

      its been months now

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  • olderdude-xx

    This is a complicated situation; and a lot depends on your relationship with your husband; and with your son.

    In some cases its best to come clean.

    In other cases its best to let secrets be secrets, and just live with the lessons learned and vow never again.

    You are under no obligation to respond to the letter.

    I suggest that you discuss the situation with a member of the clergy (who deal with such situations a lot) or with a counselor. They may see a middle ground that I am not aware of.

    I wish you the best with this,

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