Is it normal to be worried about health in this way?

Whenever I hear about some weird healthy problem or illness on the news or YouTube or Google or something, I start to get really paranoid and worried that I am going to get it. For example, I saw on Google that only 1/2 of people who get cancer are cured, and that there is a 50% chance for everyone that they will get cancer at some point in their life. Is it normal for me to get so worried?

Yes, this is perfectly normal. Most people feel this way. 7
It isn't normal, but it isn't abnormal 7
This is not normal at all 5
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Comments ( 5 )
  • dirtybirdy

    I have poison ivy :(

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  • JD777

    Yeah, it's totally normal and a problem for healthcare because loads of people present with unfounded worries and take away time to treat the people who are sick. People hear about diseases and the information provided, or at least what they read of it, often isn't enough for them to self-diagnose properly. Worse yet, are those who mis-self-diagnose and start taking non-prescription remedies that they don't need - costly at best, unhealthy at worst.

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  • Aries

    maybe you think you have or will get all these things because you are a hypochondriac .

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  • howaminotmyself

    Not all cancer is created equally.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If you were fully living your life, I doubt you'd have time to worry about this shit.
    Time to get busy living.

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