Is it normal to be worried about my record?

I have a possession with intent to distribute/manufacture marijuana charge and want to know what will happen or should happen. I am currently in drug court rehab to get the charge dismissed. I will, upon completion of the program in July/August, be given the opportunity to get the case dismissed and expunged. I live in Florida where marijuana is not legal. I want to know that if, God willing, they do legalize it here in my state, will or should my charge be completely erased as if it never happened? If it will not or should not be erased, how do you think it will affect my job opportunities in the future since I am a nurse and am attending college to become a physical therapist. Thank you for your replies in advance.

Yes, my record should/will be completely erased. 5
No, the record should/will stay. 11
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Comments ( 16 )
  • kelili

    In my country you are judged according to the laws in force at the time of the crime.

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  • You got caught, you're the low end of the criminal population and as such deserve everything you get.

    I've done some of the most serious shit you can think of, and gotten away every time, and I ALWAYS WILL.

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    • wigsplitz

      "gotten away every time, and I ALWAYS WILL."

      Except for that one time, oh, and that other time.....

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      • The only time I was caught was when I got into a fight in broad daylight, in a public place.

        Not a planned crime like any of my others, you penis wig.

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        • wigsplitz

          Um, statutory rape? And why did you get court ordered to get a psych evaluation and proceed to fail said evaluation? I mean, a smart person could (would) bullshit the test so they're not officially labeled in the system. You're so full of shit. Work on keeping your lies straight you genius mastermind, you!!

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          • Statutory rape, no charge, not caught. Like I said, I have been before a court once. Do you understand this fact yet, because it's not a complex one.

            "why did you get court ordered to get a psych evaluation and proceed to fail said evaluation"

            I didn't fail it, you can't "fail" a psych evaluation lol. Seriously, you think people "pass" and "fail" evaluation in a criminal court, how are you that dumb. This also is common knowledge, you should know this but alas.

            What lies? It was just two misconceptions on your behalf. If you are going to argue facts with me you had better understand what you're talking about in the first place. Like I said before, I'm no genius, just brighter than most.

            There are some people on here that have made great arguments that I quite admire, you are certainly not one of them. You just "nit pick" at people with totally inaccurate information, floundering in the petty as it were. You're capable of a line of sarcasm and failed attempts at twisting peoples words, I've seen nothing else from you. I'm well out of your league in every sense of the word.

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            • wigsplitz

              My bad, I remembered wrong about the statutory rape. I'll give you that one.

              'Fail', poor choice of words there. I think you know what I meant by that though, since you're 'brighter than most'. Put it this way, you got the 'wrong' (read:undesireable) results. You could've (should've?) bullshitted it and gave the 'right' answers so that you weren't identified in the system as mentally ill. I mean, since you want to brag about not being caught and being soooo smart and slick...that was a stupid move. The official label works against you, and is counterproductive to future criminal success.

              tommythecat wrote:

              "Five months in prison for assault with intent.

              A week in a psychiatric hospital following a drunken rampage (I was deemed manic and homicidal for 4 days).

              Three years probation for theft and resisting arrest.

              Two "keep the peace" orders.

              Banned from ownership of firearms for four years."

              Seems as though you've been caught (in many senses of the word) a lot more than once. It also appears you've been in court a lot more than once. Either you're lying then or you're lying now so, like I said once again, you're a liar and bad at it, too, if such a 'dumbass' like myself caught you.

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  • kaki

    i hope that it's legalized but they may not get it off your record.

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    • PapzBSlim

      Thank you.

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