Is it normal to be worried about my weight?

I resently was under weight, I was weighing a 100-105 pounds.. I currently weigh 120 when I last looked.. I'm 5'6 and 19. It's weird too see this weight on me again and I'm worried ill get fat fast!!! Because I gain my weight back fast.. I liked my stomach better before, but I love food soo much.. It's also not worth looking anorexic! Kinda gross.

Nope, you're going to get fat! 10
I'm fine... Your just being a girl about it! 28
Just paranoid 20
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Comments ( 5 )
  • thanksforthefreecar

    Eat when your hungry, and be active.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yep everyone does it.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I am not going to vote on any of your poll options, they do not adequately express how I feel here.

    I have the same exact issue. I am 5'5 and I was once 115 pounds. I loved how skinny I was and I felt a great deal of pride in it. I quit smoking and I quit Adderal and started eating again and I am now at 135. I am not at a healthy weight, but I realize that even at my lowest weight, I felt self-conscious.

    Your body is most likely trying to get to a healthy weight and who can blame it? I would not start worrying about it yet. Just regulate how you eat, what you eat and how often and exercise a bit. Eventually, your body will reach a level of homeostasis and health. You will probably put on a few more pounds, but I wouldn't worry about it until you start nearing the 140-150 range. So long as you are at a healthy weight, looks should be a secondary concern to you.

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  • kelili

    For the last six years my weight has been a constant 106.

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  • Devyn

    I'm 5'4'' and I'm always worried when I get above 110 pounds, but it always swings back. Don't fret about, you'll be fine and 120 pounds isn't fat anyway.

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